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Everything posted by SkyFall2489

  1. I mainly refer to this: https://github.com/sarbian/ModuleManager/wiki/Module-Manager-Handbook It's where I got nearly all the info for this thread.
  2. I don't think klaws can attach to the ground or structures like the Tylo cave. And I don't know how the ground anchor will handle such a thing. Maybe the island airfield tower could be a good place to test the use of ground anchors on upside-down surfaces, if it's possible? For something like a mun arch base, you can place a ground anchor on top of the arch and hang below. If the cave roof isn't too thick, it might be possible to offset a claw facing downwards far above the vessel, use timewarp to clip the base all the way through the roof, and then have the claw come down on a ground anchor. Who knows? Only one way to find out!
  3. I know this has been asked before, but I'm also interested in trying out the Shuttle Challenge missions in KSP1. Is it OK for those to go in this thread?
  4. I didn’t mean all the parts, just some of them
  5. If possible, when launching the tug to deorbit Centrifuge I, could you put a second tug on the same rocket to help with docking Centrifuge II? With my current design, it's not gonna be easy to get the thing to dock on its own
  6. I'm unsure - the radius could be up to 5m. The arm will have to be oriented vertically in the fairing - I should do some math and figure out how many Gs I want the thing to have. Most of the small SSPXR centrifuges run less than 0.2G, or about 2 m/s^2. At 5 RPM, this requires a 7m long arm, but at 10 RPM, this requires a 2m long arm. What was the rotation speed of the SSPXR centrifuges again? Visually, I doubt it will hit the solar panels though. NOTE: Gravity scales linearly with the radius and with the scale of the rotational speed. The formula is A = R * W^2, where A is in meters per second per second, R is in meters, and W is in radians per second. 1 G is approximately 10 m/s^2. EDIT: built an early prototype of the thing - it ended up being about 6m in radius.
  7. maybe - I have an idea for another rigid centrifuge design. This one will only use one robotic part. I'm thinking about having a single long arm with cabins on the end, using one of the launch vehicle's stages as a counterweight. To avoid putting torque on the station, I'll use 2 sets of ion engines to accelerate and decelerate the centrifuge. This way, the only robotic part will be a single large rotor.
  8. it's okay - again, there's definitely some in-lore reason that could be provided perhaps the motor broke down due to mechanical wear? SkyFall Industries might attempt to build a second one - I'll stress-test the thing much better this time.
  9. Is the SkyFall Industries Centrifuge Module likely to be decommissioned as well?
  10. Don't just lock the pistons - also lock the rotor. Other than that, I don't really know then, sorry. Perhaps a full ring with struts all around would be more stable, but other than that, I don't know. A modded centrifuge part may be the only option. If nothing else works, it's OK if you have to deorbit the module - I'm sure an in-lore reason could be provided.
  11. try locking the robotic parts when not in use, maybe? sorry about that - the problem never showed up, but I never ran any large-scale tests with it past "it doesn't shake itself to death the moment you spin it up"
  12. Perhaps it may even be time for a crewed interplanetary mission. An Eve flyby could be a good place to start.
  13. SkyFall Industries now announces its MK 10 Crew Shuttle! This shuttle has upward of 600 m/s DV in LKO, and a 0.625m docking port of docking with stations. Instructions: We would also like to propose a new large spacecraft, building off of our centrifuge technology: The MK 1 LREV (Long Range Expedition Vehicle) This two-module orbitally assembled ship has large crew quarters, over 4 KM/S DV on a full tank, and a small payload bay for probes. Each module weighs less than 15 tons when fully defueled. Craft files: Shuttle: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1U8tq89k-YbOMZm5Rw4vVLE35npGZKb-j/view?usp=sharing LREV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1f569H926d0Fu_CWPcBsrFtZ12xlOMJQ2/view?usp=sharing
  14. SkyFall Industries' MK 10 Crew Shuttle is finally ready, and I'll have images by tomorrow. Would Beyond be interested in another partnership with SkyFall Industries? This may involve launching a new station module as the Crew Shuttle only has a 0.625m docking port.
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