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Everything posted by SkyFall2489

  1. No, you broke the chain! @Kerbal Productions
  2. @ColdJ probably isn't, but they will be in for a surprise when they do... In the meantime, we'll keep guessing @ColdJ.
  3. Maybe @ColdJ is just trolling us, waiting for someone else to post guessing someone besides @ColdJ before showing up here.
  4. I wonder how long it will take for @ColdJ to show up...
  5. @ColdJ must have a lot of notifications now...
  6. Banned. Bans can come from below, as well...
  7. Still not here. When will you arrive, @ColdJ?
  8. Banned. Why have you been banned? First of all, bans have been getting too short recently losing valuable information. Occam's Razor is not helping anymore. Second, I wanted to make this ban as long as possible so here's some filler words. Plus, I'm going to put a few more filler words here, to keep making this longer.
  9. Every time you fix a problem, 2 more appear.
  10. Banned for banning someone due to having a property that you have as well - you didn't post first either.
  11. Do you want to show off your new gaming PC the size of a planet powered by nuclear fusion? This mod is for you! A MM patch that applies to every part, cloning it. Then it does it again. And again. And again. Dependencies: every mod in existence, but definitely ModuleManager.
  12. The KSS SSK. A ship that is symmetrical front and back, whenever the engines on the front turn on, the engines on the back turn on as well, so it never goes anywhere.
  13. Maybe, in that case, we must measure by something else? How about usernames? 2489 > 71
  14. Nope. Not planning to either, but we'll see what the future holds for me. TUBM currently owns at least 10 whole root vegetables.
  15. I have a question. I'm using USI-LS's ModuleLifeSupportRecycler, set up to require constant Ore input and 100% efficiency. Will this cause any issues, such as divide by 0?
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