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Everything posted by SkyFall2489

  1. Banned for making another obscure reference.
  2. Just ban someone for precisely what they did in the previous post! Banned for banning me for having a corona around a black hole, when you should have banned be for banning someone for banning someone for not having a green planet in signature.
  3. You fall off a cliff straight into some stinging nettle instead. I wish for this wish to not be granted.
  4. Banned for banning someone for not having a green planet in signature
  5. Once a nuclear reactor's core health has gone down, is there any way to repair it?
  6. Did you know that you know this? "the cake is a lie" is a reference to the puzzle game Portal 2, made by Valve. (actual fact)
  7. Another beard? We know what to do! https://i.insider.com/616484502457a4001982c71c?width=750&format=jpeg&auto=webp Somethings' going on with embedding images, sorry.
  8. Banned for breaking the chain yet again, banning me for faking the truth when you should have banned me for banning you for breaking the chain again, instead of banning me for banning someone for breaking the chain by banning Kiebherr instead of Kerbherr, when they should have banned @Ben J. Kerman for banning someone for banning someone else because that person banned someone who banned someone who unbanned someone that was previously banned and because they didn't give them a bunch of lego pieces.
  9. Banned for breaking the chain again, instead of banning me for banning someone for breaking the chain by banning Kiebherr instead of Kerbherr, when they should have banned @Ben J. Kerman for banning someone for banning someone else because that person banned someone who banned someone who unbanned someone that was previously banned and because they didn't give them a bunch of lego pieces.
  10. Banned for breaking the chain by banning Kiebherr instead of Kerbherr, when you should have banned @Ben J. Kerman for banning someone for banning someone else because that person banned someone who banned someone who unbanned someone that was perviously banned and because they didn't give you a bunch of lego pieces. There! Salvaged it!
  11. Suggestion: ThermalPower produced by most major reactor mods (USI Core, NFE, KPBS, MK2x, MK3x)
  12. Well, now I have a profile pic, and it is the empty void. So now, I can actually
  13. Would it be possible to branch of WOLF into a stand-alone, slapping :NEEDS[MKS] on a bunch of things so it can be used with just the stock resource chains? (Basic ISRU, fuel cells, no machinery or crew points or life support, maybe the resource chains of a few mods like EL or USI-LS)
  14. Banned for banning someone because they banned someone who banned someone who unbanned someone that was previously banned, and because they did not give you a munch of lego pieces. (I wonder how long we can take this...)
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