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Everything posted by SkyFall2489

  1. Remember to have a second. gate to connect to. It could be placed in a seperate mod, as the kerbals are just beginning to find out about the whole graviolium thing. They would be much cheaper and easier to unlock, and much more graviolium-efficient if used on a standard hohmann transfer.
  2. Doable with either Parking Brake or USI Tools. Some other mods may have something like this as well.
  3. Idea: Engines that run on ElectroPlasma, but can use GravityWaves to boost the speed of the exhaust, greatly increasing thrust and ISP.
  4. Looking great! By the way, can you put all the CRP patches in a separate file and use FOR to let users easily disable them? I need CRP for KPBS but I don't want to have to deal with too much, and only want LqdH3 fueled engines.
  5. Banned for not rhyming, breaking the chain. You ruined our streak, and we feel the pain.
  6. Banned for rhyming, yet ruining the timing.
  7. You didn't ban someone, in a thread about banning people. Therefore, you are banned.
  8. @Angel-125, If you're doing that, why not also arch the floor and make it the same as the ceiling? No down in space, no floor either
  9. Banned for not realizing that one can be creative while starting with "banned for". Yes, there are multiple ways to ban, but why should we limit one? Why limit our freedoms?
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