For users of both this and Komplexity, I offer a basic compatibility fix (I'll be posting here and in their thread for maximum reach). It's designed for the profile that follows "stock" KSC Facility upgrades instead of the KCT upgrades.
As it is now, KCT was designed for only a maximum of Level 3 for the buildings, Komplexity increases that to Level 10. KCT formulas use the actual facility level, instead of a percentage of the maximum level. This can potentially break balance when playing the preset that follows KSC facility upgrades instead of the KCT upgrade system.
To make both mods play nicer together, in the formulas area, you need to change any occurrence of the following:
[L] ..into.. (([L]/3)-(([L]%3)/3))
[R] ..into.. (([R]/3)-(([R]%3)/3))
This will match up VAB/SPH and R&D Levels 1-3, levels 4-6, and levels 7-9 as KCT Level 1, 2, and 3 respectively. When you finalize the facility to level 10, you get a bonus Level 4 for KCT. Additionally, the upgrades to the next "KCT level" corresponds to the visual upgrades of the facility, except that there's no visual upgrade for level 10 (KCT level 4).