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  1. I really like the mod, it's a huge inspiration for the current tech tree mod I'm working on, and I wanted to ask, what is the workaround you figured out to convert the tech tree editor tech tree to a module manager patch?
  2. Is it somehow possible to install the mod without all the crewed capsules? I do not like them, and would prefer there to be less chance of my computer (already somewhat strained by the mods) blowing up.
  3. Title, I'm looking into making a custom tech tree mod to be able to play career with my modpack, and I don't see it explained anywhere how do you actually make parts be unlocked by certain tech nodes. How do you do that?
  4. Is this mod's nuclear engines compatible with kerbal atomics? Is this mod's nuclear engines compatible with kerbal atomics?
  5. Granted. Now you can either scroll to very bottom, or to the very beggining. I wish all countries to unite.
  6. Oh, I mixed them with KAS ones. I thought you connected habitable modulse with those yellow wires.
  7. Uhh forum got bugged. I suppose that you used wrong connectoon things to connect habitable modules. There were few types of them, and I think you used ones that can't put kerbals trough them. Even if that works, you just look at theese thin connections. Very rough diet, too rough to be possible on Kerbin
  8. Banned because Jool jas no surface, so you can't be there.
  9. Wish granted! I did it, but I'm too lazy so I broke all mods. (I didn't want to break it but thread rules primused me) I wish spaghetti carbonara.
  10. Nope. What about you, @NuclearFish? Here I am! (yes I summoned myself and?) I feel that will be you, @iamn00b
  11. Banned because assuming gender is ok
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