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    I Drink Rocket Fuel

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  1. I really think these will jive well with my constantly-growing, already massive soundtrack for KSP. Cant wait to hear them in-game!
  2. I had a thought. Forgive me if I don't know what I am talking about, I am not very familiar with how KSP is coded. The radial attachment crew tubes in SSPX do not have IVA sections, meaning that it is impossible to pass to radially attached station parts, even though you should be able to pass through them. Is it possible to basically do a boolean subtraction on the intersecting IVA space between a crew tube's IVA and the radial crew tube's IVA, where they join into one connected space? Just a thought, I am not sure how easy or difficult that would be to implement (if possible at all!)
  3. Woah. I stopped paying attention to this mod for like 2 months, and suddenly its twice the size! This is impressive work to say the least.
  4. Hi, I have been searching for a while for a tutorial on FARc, because I have several reoccurring issues I would like to know how to solve. However, the only tutorial I can find is one from several years ago. Has the mod changed in any significant way that would make this tutorial not helpful? If so, is anyone able to point me in the right direction? Thanks.
  5. Awesome, that's great to hear. Looking forward to seeing what people can create, in that case!
  6. Excellent explanation of the working going on under the hood! It makes me feel much more comfortable about the direction of the game. Do you mean that visual mods will be broken permanently? Or just that it makes visual mods more difficult to implement into the game?
  7. Neat. This will probably be what holds me over until KSP 2 is in a playable state. Excellent work!
  8. I am excited for what the modding scene can offer to such an improved game engine!
  9. You're the best! do I just need to download the torrent, or any of the other files there as well?
  10. I am trying to install PartTools for Unity, but the download link for TextMeshPro is broken. What can I do if I want to make parts? I cannot find a working link for any version of TMPro. The links on JPLRepo's post are broken, and the links on the original Unity forum post are broken.
  11. Space Dust Configs for Beyond Home Download and Releases (GitHub) Source Code This is a set of Space Dust configs for @Gameslinx's Beyond Home Planet Pack. Also, if CryoTanks is installed, it adds resource distributions and the ability to prospect for Methane, and removes the ability to prospect for Liquid Fuel. Requirements KSP 1.12.x (It may work with older versions, but I do not know for sure) Space Dust Beyond Home Cryo Tanks (optional) Far Future Technologies (optional) Near Future Propulsion (optional) Feel free to let me know what you think (and if you have any issues), all feedback is appreciated! Special Thanks Squad for making the game @Nertea for making Space Dust @Gameslinx for making Beyond Home License GNU General Public License v3.0
  12. Wow, I might need to lie down a bit. Its hard to believe this is Kerbal Space Program and not an open-world survival craft game. I'm looking forward to seeing the final product!
  13. Wow. There's no way this is actually Kerbal Space Program 1! Also, how did you learn how to do all this?
  14. I am having quite a strange issue. I am playing the Beyond Home planet pack with Principia, and for some reason, the trajectory history of the celestials doesn't show all the time. When the trajectories do show, only 5 or 6 of them show at all. Is it a problem with the Beyond Home Principia patch? What could be causing the problem?
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