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Everything posted by lammatt

  1. i like how i can see nothing in the video it's a super good idea to screen capture in the nightime.
  2. resized stock with OP parameter a few hundred impact tolerence for that small a wheel? and a few hundred m/s speed limit? u do know the conversion from m/s to km/hr is 3.6....dont you? i dont think many wheels on earth can stand a >1000km/hr speed
  3. downloaded davon supply mod and flew it to a 150km orbit and supplied it in one go
  4. - fly planes if you are talking about Kerbin - guesstimate the rotation of the planet - guesstimate how much the atmosphere will brake you - often press the M key during the descent and correct your path accordingly - if you are landing with a parachute... deploy at the lowest altitude you feel comfortable - try to kill the horizontal as much as you can before deploying the chute
  5. does it supply ALL vessels in the SOI of the planet or does it only supple the vessel(s) with the "orbit limit" in the right click menu?
  6. how can this question exist? u dont think two crafts of a very high relative speed dock, (unless u think an inelastic collision a docking),do u? well,... u can say u dock with a train when u jump a down the platform onto the rail
  7. true, mechjeb is only good at lifting the vessel into kerbin orbit
  8. - time your launch, so that u dont have to wait forever, - use the manuver node to set up your approach burn, then use RCS to fine tune your approach to make it as close as possible - time warp till around a min before the approach and then start maneuvering your ship and lining up you station port with the ship - slow down the approach speed to 0.5m/s when theyre less than a hundred meter apart -use SAS and RCS to hold the nose direction while tweaking the travel direction - always stick your RCS at the right place: around the center of mass
  9. how to return a spaceplane from orbit? i ran into a few problems when returning a plane 1. during the reentry, at the alt when there were the renetry burn, it's hard to hold the nose direction 2. at the troposphere, the plane likes to lose control and turn into a spin if i hvnt yet throttled up the jets in the lower stratosphere 3, during the descent, i managed to get a <60m/s at a -20deg angle(i guess 60sin20 is around ~20) i tried to pull up a bit but the plane either stall or picks up speed again without significant change in the decent angle how can i land a plane safely?
  10. i got there and screenshotted... so... i basically dont care much... hope they dont remove too many of the easter eggs tho'; hvnt been to the pyramid and a lot of the monoliths yet and never been to those planetary ones
  11. i launched to a Kethane/ISA MapSat Moho today (yr1 day 62: not the best launch window anyways...) and upon escaping Kerbin i found i still had like >9000m/s dV to spare so i tried to force an earlier arrival and i ended up with a 30day flight used a total of 15000m/s the injection took me ~6500m/s and inclination to a polar orbit took me ~500m/s and i ended up almost run out of fuel. so my question is... will you try to make an early arrival if you think u'll hv enough fuel to do so?
  12. can someone tell me if it's possible and if so the mechanism how a space vessel turns or spins without a working RCS
  13. I flew a 3-man Shuttle up to the skies.. and ran out of fuel upon reaching orbit and burned half of my monopropellent to correct the 2.4deg inclination with my station and another half for the relative speed when the 2 approached each other... and i ended up docking with absolutely no fuel left~ felt so good... (sad thing there isnt a solidfuel tank to refuel my separatrons i used to escape the atmosphere)
  14. - Lazor Missiles just beware not to fire the cruise missile at targets that are too close
  15. an easy way to make SSTO easier is to release a SABRE engine with a reasonably good thrust and good isp in vacuum and boom... problem solved since you dont have to deal with the weight of an extra engine and since the only thing making an plane hard to fly is that the rockets either run out of fuel before escaping the atmosphere (the aerospike/LT- engines) or they lack the thrust the lift the plane (the LV-N) (i found airhogging in an official channel is pretty lame... i mean... you never saw any other official game channel using an exploit when they stream did you?)
  16. - flew a kethane drill and found out i forgot to put a docking port or Kerbal Attachment or Lazor or anything that allows resources transfer after it landed and now i am good at EVA-ing because i had to go back and forth a lot of times to attach/detach/plug/unplug the detachable connector port on the drill.
  17. Unity engine supports PhysX if i ain't wrong so... using nVidia's card are your best bet but for every other things.... ATI cards are way way better than the nVidia crap nowadays (the CP ratio) (i am nostalgic to the days of GeForce vs Voodoo2 days... Geforce was such a good buy back then; now they are stupidly overpriced for their performace...)
  18. there was a video called SSTO Tutorial... and in that he was airhogging 8 intakes into 1engine to take the jet to 32km high aw does it mean even the official guys approve airhogging as a legitimate way instead of an exploit? i mean... come on... oxygen and atmosphere dont work that way...
  19. crash course>> burn towards a direction which gives you the horizontal speed you need otherwise >> burn towards the retrograde vector (think about the high school physics you learned)
  20. nah mine is like: 1. Maplestory (been playing since it started and gave up 2 or 3 yrs ago) 2. League of Legend ( ~3000games in total now) 3. Terraria (~200hrs according to steam client + ~200hr in a pirated copy of the game) 4. KSP (43hrs Steam version + ~100-300 hr in standalone version)
  21. definitely Kermanov or Kermanski now i have to make it 10 words long
  22. no matter how close i put the center of mass near the ground and how wide my wheels span... is it just me? or am i doing my driving wrong? ( i dont go faster than 10m/s)
  23. - make you rover the lander (i attach the descent pack in Nova Punch on the bottom of my rover) - Kerbal Attachment System is also a good way for that
  24. I docked a 24ammo-lazor-missile module into my station and landed on KSC-2 when the delivery vehicle returned Kerbin.
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