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Everything posted by Nazalassa

  1. Welcome to the forums @CarlosTheAgent! Perhaps a craft file download or screenshots (showing the rocket when the different issues occur) could help us solving the problem (craft files are in <KSP_folder>/saves/<your_save_name>/Ships, to post screenshots you have to host them somewhere, like on Imgur or Cubeupload, and then copy the links you get to your post). For the behavior of the throttle keys, shift increments the throttle, and ctrl decrement it. There's no "throttle hold" thing in KSP, and it's normal for the throttle to stay at a certain value if you neither press shift nor ctrl (if that's what you meant). I don't think I have enough info to help with the no control problem yet. Happy 'xplosions!
  2. This may help: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/189763-illustrated-guide-to-docking/ It also contains a link to an illustrated guide to rendez-vous.
  3. Welcome to the forums @AngryPolishMan! Perhaps As suggested above, the Science system is quite complex. I suggest that you first experiment in Sandbox mode to see how rockets, VAB, EVA etc. work before attempting a Science game, this way you'll know how things work and you'll then be able to focus more on the Science system.
  4. Perhaps there will be an option to change the skybox.
  5. At the bottom of the Mohole, which is at the lowest point of the Dres canyon, which is itself deep in the Valles Marineris which sits at the bottom of the Mariana Trench
  6. May I ask how you uploaded it? I think you have access to the server's filesystem or something, but I want to be sure.
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