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Everything posted by Nazalassa

  1. The old record from a while ago, when we reached -37 but couldn't go further. For some time we refered to -37 as the 'record' which we had to break in order to win a round. Whoops, almost forgot. N -40
  2. Rover reached 5° south after 1h 42min. 1/16 of seabed part done. My estimation was maybe wrong...
  3. 10/10 seen you a lot in this thread
  4. After 40 minutes, the rover has travelled 2.3 degrees south on the seabed, at a speed around 9.2m/s. Estimation of time before getting back on land: 15 to 24 hours. The polar ice caps are at 33m ASL, and I think the ground near them is higher than (or exactly at, haven't checked) 33m ASL in many points of their boundary, so I don't expect problems from this. ** UPDATE ** Rover crossed 3° south!
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