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Everything posted by Nazalassa

  1. I got back to the rover and tried to drive it a bit. The "your-reaction-wheels-are-no-longer-shielded-even-if-they-should've-been" bug reappeared immediately! Restarting the game had no effect this time. Damn. After some investigations I noticed the green highlight around the RW is longer in flight than in the VAB... Luckily I am not too far from the starting point. Only 7° lost. I don't know how to fix it, so I will just recover the rover and send a new one, with some improvements. Mostly, making the RWs dragless.
  2. How many SRBs? YES!
  3. C'est vrai que les traductions sont souvent assez approximatives: ce mod est donc une excellente idée. J'ai jeté un oeil dans les fichiers du mod et j'ai trouvé deux endroits où il serait peut-être nécessaire d'apporter une correction: correctifBG.cfg, ligne 29: #autoLOC_8002399 = (...) Ne laissez pas Jeb s'en servir de chapeau. Le "de chapeau" me paraît un peu bizarre, est-ce que "comme chapeau" n'irait pas mieux? correctifSquad.cfg, ligne 53: #autoLOC_500856 = Inventé après une manifestation pacifique contre le manque de systèmes d'amarrage spatiaux ayant dégénéré, (...) Le participe présent fait un peu tache, je propose: "Inventé après qu'une manifestation pacifique contre le manque de systèmes d'amarrage spatiaux ait dégénéré, (...)"
  4. Tried to get a propeller to work. Almost did it. Then KSP disappeared. Checked system logs: "kernel: Out of memory: Killed process 108528 (KSP.x86_64)" I forgot to save. *angry noises*
  5. Cursed Github. They want me to "enroll" into 2FA (2-factor authentication), but they only provide ways to do it with a mobile phone, which I have none of. (for reasons.) So in 30 days I'll no longer be able to log in on Github >:( Well, they've lost a user. I hope they're happy. Also, the use of the term "enroll" is well... Usually, when you "enroll" into something, it's the army.
  6. Hypothesis: place the ground anchor mid-water (as it is on the second picture), then use a piston to push it against the seafloor. May also works for cliffs, but it has yet to be tested.
  7. May I ask why the pictures of this vehicle (and only it) were taken in the level 1 SPH? Anyway, I've wanted to do a big mission with a mothership and stuff for a while (I mean, how can one transport a rover all around the system without a mothership?), and I think this mission report gave me what I was missing: motivation. Since I'm back to KSP, it's probably the next thing I'll work on. Probably because what I called "mothership" before is like a tenth of Boundless, if not less, and now I really want to have a vessel that's larger than the VAB. And a refueller. And "stuff". I apologize for the small unreadable text, and have a good day.
  8. I don't think you can see signatures while in "guest" mode, even from a computer. When you create an account, they are disabled by default, so you have to enable them in the settings. Or at least, that's how it worked when I joined 1.5 years ago.
  9. That was fast! My underwater amphibious rover is only at 7° south after like two hours and a half of driving on the seabed...
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