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Posts posted by Vl3d

  1. 2 hours ago, BekfastDerp13 said:

    Life support - Having to maintain multiple ships with Kerbals in them can get annoying. I do like the thought of degraded performance.

    I think some sort of simple life support has been already confirmed:

    On 4/16/2020 at 5:04 PM, Intercept Games said:

    We all know that Kerbals just need cool suits, snacks, and something fun to crash.


    2 hours ago, BekfastDerp13 said:

    RPG Story - Great idea, but I think Kerbal Space Program is more of a non story game.

    KSP 2 is what they decide to make it. Few things in gaming will ever compare to the emotional impact Mass Effect had on me - and that was all about stories, choices and relationships. Nate said KSP 2 is about building a civilization - you can't have culture without stories. Do you think Kerbals are going interstellar just because they are bored? And what is Mystery Goo anyway?


    2 hours ago, BekfastDerp13 said:

    Destructible Terrain - Making this feature could delay the release by many months.

    I don't think a few (temporary, but hopefully permanent in multiplayer) craters would be so hard to implement in 2022. I would love to see other players craters, wrecks and flags when I explore with my rover. Imagine the legend of the East Farside Crater's graveyard on the Mun. Besides, we keep hearing about why HLS needs side thrusters placed high on the ship because the main engines would make a big hole in the Moon and destroy the bells. It's part of aerospace reality.


    2 hours ago, BekfastDerp13 said:

    Cutscenes - I love it, but again, game delay.

    Well they did make one of the greatest trailers in the history of PC games... I get teary eyed every time I watch it.


    2 hours ago, BekfastDerp13 said:

    Cosmetic Gradual Damage - It just seems like a mod could do it. I would like to hear how this would work.

    Could be implemented with textures - soot on returned boosters, atmospheric reentry scorching, micro-meteorite impacts on ship hull, scratches and dents. It would be very Kerbal to return home with a banged-up ship and a beard.


    2 hours ago, BekfastDerp13 said:

    Melting Parts - Physics limits with computer performance.

    At least melting landing legs, engine bells and slow non-explosive disintegrating reentry.


    2 hours ago, BekfastDerp13 said:

    Weather - I think it will be purely cosmetic, if it is in the game

    I feel like not launching in bad weather and avoiding landing during storms should be a core game mechanic. It's core physics. Besides, they said in a feature video it could rain diamonds on some planet - can't we at least have regular rain and snow?


    2 hours ago, BekfastDerp13 said:

    Lagrange Points - Complex orbits aren't going to be in KSP 2, last time I checked.

    Just simulate it with a gravity well without a celestial body, with regular conic patches, based on position of other bodies.


    2 hours ago, BekfastDerp13 said:

    Lasers - haha Death Star go pew boom (what would lasers be used for?)

    Why.. to accelerate very light probes with solar sails to relativistic speeds towards nearby solar systems, of course.


    1 hour ago, Admiral Fluffy said:


    Yep, why not? I would prefer sending a droid to a dangerous place first to set up mining operations and a basic colony base, watching ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion and C-Beams glitter in the dark near Tannhäuser Gates.

    Also I would love to see frosting on rocket tanks and ice falling off - I have never seen a rocket launch without it.

  2. I have been writing some of these separately in other threads, so I feel like I should post my list in one place, so please allow me to wish for:

    Story, game play, adventure:

    • Better adventure, more stories, history, lore and a lot more interesting places to visit (KPS 1 world feels very empty, anomalies are too repetitive, do kerbals actually care about finding life in the universe or just about gravity wells?) - I would love to just not want to leave a planet because there is always something new to discover over the next hill
    • Some kind of separate RPG story modes (pilot, scientist, plane / rocket engineer, mission control center specialist)
    • Better career progression - I want to think about resource / funding scarcity, I want to push the limits of currently unlocked technology and my budget - right now I just feel like if I build a basic craft I can unlock a large part of the tech tree and then I just don't use the old parts anymore - old technology should be used for cheap mass-production, newer technology should be used for expensive missions that push the boundaries
    • Mission Control Center with instruments to fly probes, view onboard cameras and do remote experiments
    • IVA first person mode that integrates all HUD and map mode elements in the flight deck instruments
    • EVA first person mode (I want to see the hatch open to the amazing view of a new planet through the eyes of a kerbal)
    • Probes before manned -> manned airplanes before manned rockets
    • Science system that we actually care about and that gives useful info for future missions, with better writing for experiment results (in real life it's not about points, it's about curiosity, learning interesting stuff and technological pragmatism)
    • Gradual discovery of planets and moons (starting with telescopes, black and white photos, etc.)
    • For probes: a black and white / fuzzy / sepia overlay in 3rd person view, for gradual discovery of exploration details
    • Recorded Kerbal biography, ship logs
    • Dedicated testing grounds and facilities at the KSC, some of these can be abstracted but I really like testing subassemblies during design, before launch (off-road testing areas to simulate terrain on other planets, tethers or weights to simulate gravity on other planets, pool to test craft boyancy, dark room to test levels of sunlight exposure for solar panels and battery recharge, aerodynamic tunnel for aircraft, vacuum chamber to test flight in another atmosphere, some kind of pivot for RCS strength and ballance testing in aerodynamic scenarios - for example to prevent rocket flipping when launching, G-force centrifuge) - these would also help a lot when playing without reverting
    • The Museum / Showroom building: a hangar / garage where we can display and visit our best craft creations
    • Heroes resting place where we can memorialize the fallen kerbals (maybe have mini tomb stones with custom plaques).
    • The Planetarium (a separate building, easily accessible from Map View and Tracking Station - containing all information from the R&D Facility scientific findings archives and the Tracking Station Knowledge Base. All scientific experiments should unlock interactive graphs, images and animations showing the evolution of the Star System, how the planet was formed, its internal layers, atmosphere / seasons / weather, biosphere and other properties.)
    • Achievement / milestone badges


    • More kerbal appearance and personality diversity (I want to be emotionally attached to the crew and individual kerbals, I want to see them grow a bear(d) after a long mission, I want them to have families and pets so I actually care about what happens on the crewed mission) - a competitive space race and "evil" kerbals could also be fun
    • Basic life support requirements (kerbals could be like some kind of plant based tardigrades that go into hibernation when stranded or hurt or missing resources - this could also allow interstellar travel)
    • Kerbal droids, real mech Jebs (initial colony builders)
    • Kerbal idle animations, activity animations for NPC kerbals like in VAB
    • System to order teams of kerbals to do something (crew orders, colony teams orders)
    • Medals, badges, statues for our kerbal heroes.
    • New medics class for life support related gameplay.

    Interface and game mechanics improvements:

    • Better physics simulation
    • Better load / save file organization and separate auto-saves (I always overwrite and regret it)
    • Recordings / replays (especially before a close call or a crash - great for posting on YouTube)
    • Better control for maneuver nodes  - my finger hurts from scrolling on direction icon, I always have to fiddle with the sensitivity slider and if I click+drag a direction I overshoot
    • Better time warp (like the mod)
    • Advanced tweakables should be toggle-able for each part window - have a button that hides the options not used regularly
    • Ability to choose which probe core controls the craft and sets the orientation from the VAB
    • All the VAB / SPH improvements that were announced (multiple crafts inside the same workspace, unified camera controls etc.)
    • Recoverable / reusable rocket stages (being able to fly both at the same time - pause one, fly another, return... not the save / load / switch pretending thing)
    • Automated orbital station keeping (for satellite constellation stability)
    • Electricity usage / generation calculator
    • Maps / planetary overlays (like ScanSat, Kerbnet)
    • Landing trajectory predictions (like the mod, very useful - prevents repetitive loading of saves) - can also be used to calculate skip reentry angle
    • Better tracking station vessel organization (like the mod - have a list per planet / moon)
    • Automated rocket flights (confirmed) and also automated rover / train / airplane / helicopter transports
    • Landing legs auto-leveling on sloped / uneven terrain to keep the craft horizontal without manually adjusting springs
    • Ability to control fuel transfer per stage / sub-craft (so i don't have to individually open all fuel tanks - we should be able to have fuel tank groups or better yet merge tanks together into a single part)
    • Native support for multiple external monitors
    • Craft editor mode (like an improved engineer EVA construction mode from KSP1) for fast repair and modification of large space stations / ships (using only available parts from cargo storage)
    • Construction check-list and note-taking tool
    • Craft versioning system (like git, to track evolution of specific craft models according to part and science progression)
    • Better tool to organize craft families and types (right now I use folders but also sometimes subassemblies and I have to always load / save / rename in multiple places with each save) - I would like a built-in way to organize boosters by capability (tons to LKO) etc.
    • Ability to launch and coordinate multiple small vessels simultaneously (maybe by drawing routes they take in map view before hand) - useful for space tugs to get the big ships out of port, also for exploration probes... Generally because swarms are cool.
    • A list of nearby vessels and control parts (in case I can't click a probe core directly)
    • Machmeter
    • Surface horizontal speed indicator 
    • Monopropellant Delta-V
    • Cost per stage while building craft 
    • Total Delta-V requirements for all planned maneuver nodes
    • Suicide burn / point of no return indicator
    • Construction time in the stock game
    • Prototype tooling - to encourage building and evolving rocket (booster) families. I feel there should be more incentive to use previously build items.
    • Skipping off the atmosphere (taking reentry angle into account)
    • When building, being able to close a part loop by attaching the last piece at both ends. Right now we have to either build from the middle, attach struts which disappear when staging or use docking ports (which are too big).
    • VTOL engine thrust control / stabilization
    • A way to program fuel usage so that we can control center of mass position (or at least have a stable center of mass)
    • Automation and planning integrated systems, ability to program and control craft using "software modules" and upgradable hardware capabilities of Command & Control Core: this thread for more info
    • Better robotic parts and improved sequence programming (KAL-2000) to allow for reliable and solid transforming craft
    • Sea transport logistics (tanker ships automation)
    • Part comparison tool during assembly (ex. for side-by-side engine stats)
    • Versioning, iterative design and integration topic
    • Part wear and failure on excessive wear (not random)
    • Integrated journey / delta-V planner
    • Mission planner with notes and reminder alarms
    • Visual scripting language (with code generation from journey planner and integration with other game systems)
    • Be able to plant flags underwater (Kariana Trench)
    • Graphical flight profile auto-generated at the end of the mission (something like this)
    • Visualization of antenna range in map view
    • Planner for electricity and antennas
    • Period, biome below, impact location
    • In-flight center of thrust, lift and mass overlay
    • Have the ability empty or fill all fuel tanks at once (have tank grouping)
    • Remove parts count as a limit to progression
    • Allow returning to the past after finishing a mission (merge sequential and parallel mission play styles)
    • Lifting body physics and the ground effect
    • Delivery route craft are all physical and the player can take control of them at will
    • A way to transfer large amounts of kerbals quickly between crafts
    • Giving colonies the capability to be built on / around asteroids
    • Space Race against an AI controlled agency
    • Rewind instead of QuickSave - QuickLoad
    • Coordinated aircraft control surfaces (cancelling out unwanted side effects of control surfaces placed at an angle)
    • Underlined one-letter shortcuts in the Parts Manager menu
    • Gizmos for procedural parts in the editor

    Visuals (other than general improvements already announced):

    • Footprints, wheel tracks on the ground, visible road marks or rails for routes used frequently to link resource mining to colonies
    • Destructible terrain (holes in the ground when landing caused by engine too close, explosion craters)
    • I would love seeing colonies built by other players, everyone having their own little spot on planets, seeing other players' ships flying around, option to see interplanetary traffic - this would give me motivation to be more ambitious in my missions
    • Skippable cut-scenes: some missions should have historical meaning and others should be routine - the first crewed missions could have animations of crew walking to the craft, saying goodbye to people waving, the kerbal council / president
    • Multiple camera angles (like TV displays) at launch
    • Ship venting, loading propellant, countdown, launch sparks and other effects / animations on the launch pad (I've seen some in pre-alpha footage)
    • Parts should gradually start to look used / slightly damaged
    • Melting parts (eg. landing legs, engine bells, atmospheric reentry)
    • Frosting on rocket tanks and ice falling off - I have never seen a rocket launch without it
    • Rain, snow, storm debris, dust / haze
    • Air heating refraction, droplet effects on the screen
    • Hitting the occasional bird
    • Transparent fuel tanks (as a toggle) - like this video
    • Deployable flares to light up environment when landing at night
    • Sparks and particle effects for friction
    • Non-explosive damage to craft that do not hold fuel (electric vehicles)
    • Liquid effects on craft and surroundings (not only water)
    • Long / persistent condensation / exhaust trails
    • When an engine is turned off, it should not gimbal
    • Environment visuals topic
    • Diverse condensation trails (sonic boom cones)


    • Procedural parts that are easy to use and look as good as non-procedural
    • Hull cameras
    • Better way to integrate parts (like probe cores) on vessels so i don't lose the part inside - and I also feel like I'm cheating or gambling every time a clip-through parts (besides craft mass should also be a function of total volume if parts are clipped together)
    • Vernor engine and RCS using fuel from all tanks without respecting crossfeed settings causes confusion (fix being able to easily edit priority and internal flow for RCS and fuel usage)
    • EVA tethers / ropes to rappel down cliffs
    • Space elevators / catapult launchers
    • Balloons (to float on planets with dense atmosphere like Eve) - this could also allow floating "blimp" colonies for bodies with very thick atmospheres like Eve or Jool
    • Airbags (for landing on planets with thin atmosphere like Duna)
    • Water craft (ships, submarines, hybrid airplanes etc.), underwater colonies, water launched rockets (so we can build bigger)
    • Sea / ocean based colonies on platforms (stilts or floating) like on Kamino (Star Wars)
    • Resource transfer tubes (like in Kerbal Attachment System mod), colony pipes, electrical lines, conveyors
    • Rocket / jet backpacks, not just the regular RCS backpack
    • Solar sails
    • Continuous tracks / mattracks (crawler has them)
    • Microscope experiments
    • Spectroscopy science (exoplanet atmospheric analysis)
    • Gravity waves science with 3 satellite array (Laser Interferometer Space Antenna)
    • Launch tower booster catching arms (unsure about the need for it when we have landing legs, but it does exist in real life for Starship.. sometimes reality is stranger than sci-fi)
    • Roads (dirt, paved, ramps , tunnels, suspended, rails)
    • Tiny docking ports to secure very small craft (like mini-rovers, karts, helicopters, planes) - the junior ones are too big
    • Wires and pulleys for cranes (so we can build static cranes / mobile crawlers for on / above ground, underwater / floating, sky cranes.. all types of cool stuff)
    • Rover wheels and grip and lack of lander ramps (I just can't build a functional one), the wheel collision algorithm in KSP1 is horrible (either clips in terrain or gets blocked by 1 mm of part sticking out), which coupled with springs in suspension makes any vehicle jump and crash
    • Smart parts (that could even be used as conditional programmable basis for reusability and autonomy)
    • Linear aero-spike engines (also toroidal)
    • Thrust vectoring nozzles (jet / fan)
    • Mech walker parts
    • Ski parts (for snow, ice and water - to build sleds, jet skis)
    • Solar gravitational lensing telescope
    • Utility weight I - (like the mod) - to be placed on top of the rocket to simulate mass
    • Utility weight II - a small procedural part that can be attached to balance the Center of Mass of small probes. Bigger / heavier variants could be used to also balance larger craft. Example: To not waste useful surface / area on a lander probe core. A parachute is big and heavy and I only need to place one and put science experiments and small lead utility weight opposite.
    • Remove dedicated relay antennas, require 2 antennas to make a relay.
    • Remove the possibility to combine antennas (it makes craft look ugly.. just add more antenna types or gain property / antenna power slider).
    • Mass driver colony parts to propel smaller payloads to orbit
    • Propeller parts with customizable number / size of the blades
    • Nuclear jet engines
    • Small "vehicle bay" parts to give large ships the ability to build / modify / repair small vehicles
    • Closable N-sided clampshell fairings
    • Laser power transmitters for colonies
    • Quantum communication parts late in the tech tree
    • Rotating detonation rocket engine (with specific sound)


    • Weather / seasons / rain / snowing / wind / storms (to avoid of course)
    • Dangerous debris fields, dangerous radiation areas
    • Lagrange points
    • Black hole system with time dilation effects
    • Underwater building and exploration
    • Caves, lava tubes, sinkholes, underground exploration
    • Communication delay caused by large distances and fixed speed of light
    • Merger of CommNet, Kerbalism and RemoteTech features for communications gameplay
    • Solar flare alarms
    • Planetary seasons (freezing seas, melting glaciers)
    • Rivers
    • Canyons
    • Flora and fauna (alien?)
    • New (undiscovered) Kerbol outer planet with moons
    • Oort cloud
    • Moons with very high orbital inclination compared to solar system
    • Spin axis wobble for celestial bodies
    • Comets from outside solar system (like Oumuamua)
    • Crazy celestial body ideas
    • Waterfalls
    • Underwater resources for deep sea mining
    • Shockwaves (created by explosions for example)
    • Allow modders to add planet packs directly to the KSP2 universe through a curating + voting system. Players could explore them with telescopes and download them in-game when planning a journey.
    • Meteor showers, meteors breaking up in the atmosphere
    • Wind, flooding and snow weight that would impact buildings also
    • Unstable boulders, landslides, avalanches
    • Volcanoes, lava rivers
    • Very tall vertical cliffs, crevaces
    • Underground lakes / oceans
    • Asteroid / comet impacts
    • Tsunamis
    • Land slides / avalanches
    • Earthquakes
    • Landing traps: collapsible terrain / quicksand
    • Auroras
    • Shooting stars visible in the sky


    • Chatterer (both mission control and crew)
    • Ship (stress) sounds, beeps, notifications, (proximity) alarms (voiced or not)
    • More epic atmospheric music (it gets repetitive after a while)
    • Count down at launch (at least some kind of 5-4-3-2-1, engine turbines spooling up sounds)
    • Sonic boom at mach limit
    • Kerbals talking in the pod amongst themselves, saying jokes, making funny sounds, screaming, crazy frog video
    • Propeller / fan noise
    • Environment sounds like wind and thunder
    • Sounds for walking / driving on sand, dirt, ice, snow


    It's really hard to come up with suggestions related to multiplayer because I feel it's 100% up to KSP team to decide what is best for the game and for the players. Being a new feature they can take any direction and anything we say is just speculations. But a few ideas or situations come to mind:

    • players participante in a space race between agencies or collab in the same space agency
    • competitive mode: have space-race first-to-plant-the-flag server seasons
    • in collab mode each player controls a single Kerbal when on mission
    • pilot IVA view with players, or have separate IVA areas for types of kerbals
    • build a space station on EVA with other players
    • communicate with players before docking / landing (request permission)
    • build collaboratively in VAB / SPH, split stage / subassemblies design
    • collaborate on journey planner, check the craft
    • players can put a stake on an area (first come first serve) for colony building - for resources or beautiful views
    • reimplement the idea from KSP v.0.20: have custom flags that would remain planted or on ships left behind, the plaque text could only be read when approached on EVA by other players.
    • be able to find ship remains (landed spent stages), flags, plaques, wrecks of previous explorers.
    •  implement ship logs / black boxes for more background story that other players can read (log all major milestones of the craft, see accidents and repairs, causes for failures, victims)
    • when (if) they die, kerbals should leave tiny skeletons or tombstones behind with messages written by players
    • allow players to write messages to ship logs, customize IVA cockpit with stickers
    • be able to scavenge or steal ship components, colony parts, resources, capture other craft (pirates!)
    • racing / flying with players through canyons on planets
    • listening for radio chatter / signals from ships / SOS asking other players for help
    • rescuing crashed and stranded kerbals 
    • tourism: being able to buy rides / cargo space on ships and explore or start over somewhere)
    • tourism: build colonies with beautiful vistas that other players can visit
    • trade resources
    • trade resources for crafts
    • do extreme sports with friends
    • be able to respawn at another colony (friend or tourist colony)
    • participate in common projects and observational events (huge comet capture for resources necessitating multiple players)
    • create contacts for other players (recover a vessel or a stranded kerbal, put a comms satellite in orbit)
    • witness events and projects done by other players (from a distance, from own kerbal or probe POV):
      • look up from the ground and see huge space stations orbiting (or even destroyed space stations)
      • see in the distance explosions of players that crash when landing or spent stages - example looking from Kerbin at the Mun at night and seeing small flashes and wondering what that was
      • see gigantic ships leaving orbit on interstellar missions (Daedalus, Orion etc.), wishing i went with them
      • see planes flying in formation above
      • witness huge comet or asteroid impact events (on a lander attached to them or with other players orbiting with space telescopes nearby)
      • visit colonies of other players built at great view locations
      • be able to witness interesting launches of craft built by other players
      • see TV transmissions in-game of world-first events accomplished by other advanced players (through their hull cameras or telescopes or if they set up a lander first to record the event)
      • chill on land and take a selfie right before a friend crashes his huge ship behind me coming in blazing from orbit (probably would have to respawn)


    • Everything else KSP 1 + DLCs already have
    • Everything else that was announced for KSP 2 (better visuals, multiplayer, near future technology, interstellar travel etc.)
    • ...lasers! (eg. to accelerate very light probes with solar sails to relativistic speeds towards nearby solar systems)
    • Mission builder, stream workshop
    • Dynamic mod loading (preferably in game)
    • Better RAM / CPU usage, performance enhancements

    My greatest wish:


  3. Like sending a written letter instead of an email?

    Later edit: I thought about it and we should differentiate between science data (just information that can be transmitted through coms network) and science samples. I don't see the point of mixing the two. If you want to do research in a lab you need the samples (raw science) - so you have to physically move it from one place to another. This (transporting samples) can also be done if you want to send it to another vessel for better transmission. But what is the point of uploading / downloading the science data (mits) between vessels? You can just send it home through relays and get the science points.

  4. I think we have all too often heard the complaint that KSP 1 is too empty. Sandbox mode will always be there - but I would really love more lore, more stories, more mysteries, not wanting to leave a planet because I want to discover beyond the next hill. Stories are a way to stimulate curiosity through hope and they are an argument to make useful things. We need motivation for discovery.

  5. I think curiosity is the best motivation to explore the unknown. Information about the universe is valuable in itself at the beginning. That's why I would love to start by knowing nothing and explore (each planet) through science which would offer useful data for game play. Technological progression fueled by wanting to explore scientifically + interesting story with mysteries/rumors of alien life, breath taking scenery, planets that I don't want to leave because I am curious what is beyond the next hill + economic incentive (to build bigger, to find resources, to escape the solar system and colonize). I have read too often that KSP 1 is an empty place and that there was so much potential left on the table. I really want a dense universe full of interesting places to visit (not just interesting planets).

  6. I love the idea of a realistic scientific progression - starting with ground based telescopes and small probes with only grainy black and white cameras that evolve to space telescopes which discover exoplanets, using instruments to discover features of planets - ex. building a Delta-V map by using science data, discovering topological and atmospheric features gradually (same for resources), listening to radio signals from deep space etc. I want to put in some effort to know things about a planet or a moon - not just zoom in on something already discovered.

  7. Interesting ideas - replying to "more probe features", I would love to see a system of probes progression that would focus on limited information gathered from instruments. As examples:

    • starting with ground based telescopes and small probes with only grainy black and white cameras that evolve to space telescopes which discover exoplanets;
    • using probes that give science real game play value like using instruments to discover features of planets - ex. building a Delta-V map by using science data, discovering topological and atmospheric features gradually (same for resources), listening to radio signals from deep space etc.
    • recoverable and reusable rockets (maybe automated probe avionics that can return the rocket to base while we continue flying to orbit, although I would like to do both);
    • the ability to use an instruments deck to remotely control a probe instead of flying it third-person;
    • a better way to place probe cores on rockets without affecting control orientation or without making it hard to click on a probe placed inside a tank.
  8. Hello everyone, please allow me the pleasure of posting enthusiastically for the first time on the forum. I have ~300 hours in KSP 1 and I can say I have a basic understanding of what the stock game has to offer. I have recently started exploring the community mods. I started with visual improvements and sound effects (chatterer, rattling etc.) - a journey which allowed me to discover this video about an IVA journey to the Mun using the DE IVA Extension and hull cams. I have to say I am so, so, so very impressed with the immersive experience provided by interacting with the HUD, ship parts and map mode instruments directly from the cockpit. I think that experiencing a take-off or landing from a first-person view, hearing the internal stress sounds of the hull and and alarms ringing while pressing the buttons and checking cameras, or seeing a new planet or moon out the cabin windows is just next level game play.

    So after this (hopefully) short introduction, I have just a few questions related to KSP 2 (or maybe it's a request from like-minded players) for the devs and the community:

    1. Please, are we going to get awesome flight decks that integrate HUD, map view, part interaction elements and hull cameras as instruments?

    2. Can we experience how it would be to remotely control probes through an instruments interface similar to IVA?

    3. Could we have a first person view multiplayer experience by flying co-pilot alongside friends? Could they also have their own (specialized) engineering / science decks inside the capsules?

    4. Can we explore the internal cabins of the ships we build first person? Is there a possibility to have a first person EVA view mode?

    Please make IVA mode epic. KSP is amazing. Thank you for reading.

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