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    Hi I am Lucalis
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    Tech, space, games, and some things more than I don't remember right now

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  1. Hi, it looks great, is it compatible with KSC extended?
  2. Hi! I feel like the nodes should be more, with more subdivisions on where the parts are (example: shuttles should be separated from the other aero techs but still in an advanced point of aero) maybe more nodes, with less cost jump from one to another, and with a bit more linear progression.
  3. is this compatible with FAR? or not neccesary if using FAR?
  4. I'm always open, collaboration is what makes a project good! Sadly, I can't really put it time by myself, and I don't know how to make it open so everyone can collaborate
  5. Hi! I'd love to add this to the main mod, would you be okay to share me the files? I'm not sure on how to add custom icons, I'd love to do it tho. Feel free to do it! Lagrange Proyect is (I don't know in licensce but I won't ever claim) free and open source.
  6. Oh dude! I never expected someone to make a fork of it, I'm sorry for not being able to give the original LP all the time I would like to. Hope this one gets the same love than the original one! Also, it got loaded to CKAN.
  7. suddenly this became a discussion ground about realism on a game that allows you to make an Single Stage To Jupiter, hahah.
  8. Tell me if you found any problem please, hope you like it!
  9. will check, but I think they're not as precise as I need, but will check.
  10. I'll check on them, the main thing needed is the orbital periods... which is not exactly simple because most times they're not defined as a number, you need to manually calculate them unless they're on the .cfg of the planet, but as KSP does the calculation automatically with the orbital data, it's not something you ussually write
  11. It's the only way you can do them without principia. will do the try later, thanks for the idea!
  12. I must advice, do not try to land on them or even get excesively near, the way they works (cos of how ksp works) makes them unstable, that said, I don't know how to disable the contracts for them, I'll check on that and try to do a patch.
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