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Everything posted by Ryaja

  1. Share your Halloween costumes! Here is mine:
  2. I can feel my frame rate dropping.
  3. I think it would benefit the forum if we had the ability to add reactions other than just likes to posts, I think it would be beneficial to the over all dynamic. It doesn't have to be many but I think, especially for more serious things, liking it feels awkward, if we try to show support for something. For example if an update is delayed when you like the post are you liking that the update is delayed or supporting the devs?
  4. I came back to the forums...
  5. Ryaja

    Shower thoughts

    People with short arms have an advantage in arm wrestling, the shorter arm acts as a shorter lever which favors strength rather than distance. Peta in a nutshell?
  6. Reading old forum posts and getting nostalgic for a time on the forums before you even joined:
  7. This is awesome, I've been waiting for this as career is my favorite in ksp and so this should come close(an actual career mode with money would be cool but that can be modded in.)
  8. I just got my first few images, I think they are pretty good! I used a t3i a star adventurer 2i and a sigma 70-300mm lens. https://astrob.in/gpssgx/0/ https://astrob.in/tsonfj/0/ The second is a gif, click the link above it to see the animation.
  9. CLICK!!! (Yes I am alive again)
  10. I got a fancy time lapse of the eclipse, I think it is backwards though.
  11. I don't see why it has to be either or, money could just act as a universal trading resource between persons.
  12. Getting annoyed while trying to flash klipper onto an ender 3 s1 pro
  13. Do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do. What tune did you read that too?
  14. Nope, though I HAVE RETURNED!!! @Nazalassa
  15. Granted: but it is before there was an atmosphere. I wish to finally get a good sleep.
  16. Floor 4018: the sun, the whole thing, all of it.
  17. They taste like failure, clearly but when cooked right taste like success.
  18. Banning in this forum game AND joining after I took a break is cheating! CHEATER!!!
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