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Everything posted by Ryaja

  1. Banned for having 2 A's in one word.
  2. SE: It creates infinite heat, destroying the universe. SP: The power of having every superpower!
  3. 2/10 I have seen your posts.
  4. Gene became a bionic man. He expects the Cybermen to appear before dark. The Doctor thought that massive 3D printers might counter the lack of superior books on Kerbin. The mission would gradually devolve into something revolutionary to Kerbal cranes and rainbows. How extraordinary that is, considering the effort required to make big ol' rocket!
  5. Calling the same person a cheater 3 times is cheating. CHEATER!
  6. Paininis load cassette beat the meat bug truffle stimulator of all chimes
  7. What I mean is I do not want interstellar to be an endpoint, I want to have to go to other star systems to get more science and get more atmospheric engines, and stuff like that. Essentially each system you go to unlocks a large portion of the tech tree past what you have. (If people are confused someone who understands this might be able to explain it better than me.)
  8. It was a joke, because we want the devs to give us information anytime not just Fridays. AKA sarcasm.
  9. C 8(I was on the wrong page but I still got the number right!)
  10. Wait with tethers, It would be way easier to deorbit the capsule you left in orbit without fuel a long time ago, If you could drag craft with the EVA pack and tether of course.
  11. Yes! That would be nice, 5x and 9x symmetry would also be nice.
  12. I changed it to star system. Maybe we could have a configurable starting system if they made a real scale system.
  13. I think the developers should scale the kerbol system (or add a different star system that has real scales) up from it's 0.1 size. Or add a different star system that is real scale. NOT RSS.
  14. Debris shields beat micro meteors
  15. The place with a giant slab of salt next to a salty lake.
  16. Yes, but a specialized bell nozzle is better for metallic hydrogen, it is easier to cool.
  17. Nvm I think it would be a better addition if you had to do research on the planets to get and optimized engine for that planet.
  18. Yes, I am saying you start out using a basic Kerbin atmospheric engine but once you establish permanent residence on a planet you get engines optimized for its atmosphere(If it has one)
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