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Everything posted by imcute

  1. fixed fixed photo gallerry:https://image-gallery.imcute-aaaa.repl.co okay this time the plane works more easilly and lifts off quickly
  2. should i put a KAL ferry to every planet that has atmosphere to compensate the bad isp of atmos nervas? ur saying the opposite
  3. whoops i gave u what the navbol sez thats pitch whoops i will try not to create
  4. my jet engines are effecient whoops i would fix that tommorow(its nine thirty for me!!!) i mean,not "too much and it cant take off" i mean that we only need a quarter of this wing set okay no its always 10 to 20 degrees no autostrut on and no wacky wing placement i think that the problem appeared on liftoff but it was stable enough to not need adjustments.An adjustment by sas instantly makes it tumble on yaw axis causing it to tumble on other directions too elevons are bad for yawing
  5. JuneDay!JuneDay! my space plane is bad to controll on the yaw axis so it always gets out of controll i dont wanna make a kal overclock on it
  6. yes i used this advice and the nervs'tail nodes are sealed by nose cones it loses controll at 10000m and 300m/s wing strakes?or big s ones?
  7. no its a 1.875 fairing shielded by 1.25 fairing so no drag i think no its 2 wheatley and a nerv https://image-gallery.imcute-aaaa.repl.co @AeroGav
  8. okay thank u but i decided to continue working on my mk1 thing problem now is,with already wings 4 times more than needed,it does not take off seems like old pic. the new version has a fuel tank adapter and a nose cone
  9. aww man fairing keep decoupled by mech jeb https://image-gallery.imcute-aaaa.repl.co @James Kerman @AeroGav
  10. oh well its very big https://image-gallery.imcute-aaaa.repl.co @James Kerman @AeroGav
  11. okay ill make a mk3 one with a cargo bay for isru the drills are an issue ps:the eye on the mech jeb pod looks like a fixed space core(the guy that shouts space in portal2)
  12. aww man have to try replit https://image-gallery.imcute-aaaa.repl.co omg why is that img so big!!! have to check how to fix img width and height fixedhttps://image-gallery.imcute-aaaa.repl.co @James Kerman
  13. yes ik no ok maybe this would work? https://img.kaiheila.cn/assets/2022-06/OrQ8O1LNwO19g0lf.png problem=plane okay if it could launch,but it could not and it gains wobbling energy from zero point energy evern when autostrut on fixed,putting landing gear on fragile wings is not a good idea
  14. okay more intake,but (my centers are still in the right place) it resumes tumbling after takeoff
  15. okay i have a spaceplane i have a isru set i dont have a space plane with an isru set that launches(work in progress)
  16. okay changed rapier to jet engine(i have a nerv so omit oxidizer) and added an isru set,see if it can work okay ill try it i thought that we should do 45 degrees!me still learning whoops jet engine is not working due to lack of intake(why didnt the rapiers not work?idk)
  17. this dumb guy even tilts the wings 90 degrees
  18. okay i found out that the centers should be near and the col should be slightly behind the com by looking at tut wee!it works! next step is to fly it to orbit and make it able to go to nearest planet in case of fuel low it says 7829 dv but thats the sum of a nerv and two rapiers in average lemme try mechjeb autopilot aww man mech jeb does not know how to drive my plane and steers it into the ocean
  19. kay ayy ell overclocking too much fuel consumption(s3 vector) exploits(kal1000controller) nope spaceplane better question:how do i fly without making the air pushing it on its place the air gives a lot of effects:one creates instability which is proportional to wing size and another creates stability,which is proportional to speed. i cannot use the latter one due to not being able to acheive that much speed without fuel exploits that i do not want to use so i need to minimize the former effect by(im asking for this) both,but not enough speed is also okay all i can supply is some pics of planes crashing
  20. ill do it when i know how to make planes that do not need high-speed aerodynamic stablizers
  21. @Vanamonde @Vanamonde im not calling a busy admin normally but im very desperate now
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