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  • About me
    An cabbage
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    A universe > a galaxy > a star> a planet > a moon > … you get it.
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    Installing mods

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  1. No. lets give coldj a break and ask for @Ember12
  2. Green and red don’t mix well. @Snark, don’t say something snarky
  3. Nah @kerbiloid are you kerbiloiding?
  4. But no ice I’m just coldj @Vanamonde
  5. I don’t think he’s deaddly… @tater, give me some tots
  6. Sorry I wasn’t clear. What I meant was that the theoretical rocket burns only lox.
  7. hello there. in theory, could a rocket fueled solely by liquid oxygen generate enough thrust to lift off? just a weird idea that I thought of.
  8. hello there. the extendable solar panels don't have a button to extend. the extendable radiators do extend. Screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/Z1HHy8r my log: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/m13twecaniif3xs9mmufa/KSP.log1?rlkey=g7aoktimrh0trvcmewvxu8ein&st=v20p9pc9&dl=0
  9. There have been a lot less 502’s lately, but that’s probably because many people are on vacation for Independence Day, so the servers see less usage. Also, with the server issues, they can’t mean the end to the forums. Take 2 could decide to move the forum to a different server, but that might be too optimistic.
  10. Won’t be active for one week.



  11. Go into you main kerbal space program folder, find the text file called KSP. Use Google drive or Dropbox, and select the KSP text file. Then just post it, and the mod devs can look through it.
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