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Everything posted by fengyuan0529

  1. Hello! Do you have plan on developing Chinese parts for KSP2?
  2. I have encountered the same problem with not slowing down during reentry and "Phantom " forces.
  3. Hello! Does anyone still experience this issue in the latest version? “Not slowing down on reentry”. I found that it should be fixed a long time ago, but my capsule still doesn’t have proper drag during reentry and hitting the ground with ~2km/s(or bouncing off in lower atmosphere with phantom lift), it is a perfectly normal design and from a perfectly normal orbit. What’s happening? Not slowing down on reentry
  4. Hello! I notice you are trying to translate this mod into Chinese. Would you mind sharing your translation with the community once it's finished? So that we can enjoy this mod in Chinese! Thank you!
  5. Good to see another update! Please integrate my updated localization file: orbital_survey_localization.csv
  6. Please access this updated version of the localization file where the translations of Biomes are replaced by Regions. orbital_survey_localization.csv
  7. Hi there! I'd like to contribute to the Chinese (Simplified) translation of this wonderful mod. Kindly review the updated localization file I provide. Thanks! orbital_survey_localization.csv
  8. Hi all, I'd like to contribute my Chinese translation of the parts connection graph to the community. This will definitely become handy for Chinese players.
  9. Hello! Nice work! Could you add compatibility for ReStock? My structural panels from foundations are not showing up. ReStock replace some stock module files. Thanks!
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