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Starcatcher2009 - Modder

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  1. It might be because of floating point precision, which bugs out many stuff to objects far away from the coordination origin. Probably put your star system a little bit closer to Kerbol?
  2. Also, have you considered making Precursors a separate star system from Kerbol? Like something achievable using interstellar travel
  3. Are you intending to do this mod on KSP2 some time later on?
  4. "...I request that this mod and its contents shall remain untouched and dies in silence" If so, would it be acceptable for someone to do a complete reimagining of the mod? Like, no recycled textures, but the same concept, with credits of course.
  5. The generic configs does 95% of the stuff, but an additional 5% of unique configs for each engine is required to make them work altogether. Since I do not have the Cyro Engines configs, they simply will not work.
  6. I have a PC, integrated CPU and GPU, and I don't care if my computer becomes a BBQ griller. I will have this game
  7. OHHH! I'm still using Perhaps something changed maybe? Let me check. But still I didn't recall having that line in Generic_Engines. How about you try this one instead?https://www.dropbox.com/s/15aaeba3shrzrdi/Generic_Engines.cfg?dl=0
  8. This is from the Generic_Engines.cfg file right? Are you sure that you didn't got any file named Generic_Parts.cfg? @key,*[0, ] *= #$/TESTFLIGHT,0/ignitionDynPresFailMultiplier$ This is the only instance I can find within the Generic_Engines file. Unless I screwed up the file while uploading, which I checked it wasn't. Also can you tell me where did you download 0.4.0 from?
  9. A place to report bugs and errors related to the TestFlight-Stock config pack made by Starcatcher2009 (Based on Starstrider42's work).
  10. @Starstrider42 @Chris Bolland @NateDaBeast VERSION 0.4.0 IS OUT! (Errors-free not gauranteed; kinda in a rush atm) ENJOY! The update is not really focused on adding more parts support, but rather tweaking and updating the entire functionality of the mod as a whole. Plus SXT and BDB are really large mods unlike the ones seen in v0.3.0.
  11. I don't recall the LVT-30 ever show something around 40 mins. Mind sending me a screenshot? As for your question, yes, the burn times are fixed. Things like reliability decreases the chance of a failure, but does not grant additional rated burn times. Am doing a new update soon. Sorry for being so lazy lol, I'm at school now anyways, plus also trying some new games The amount of contents in BDB is just so large lol
  12. You should only download the GitHub RELEASE. However the source should work properly, not sure why it’s like that. Mind sending me the log file?
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