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KSP2 Alumni
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  • About me
    Former KSP Franchise Community Lead
  • Location
    Seattle, WA

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  1. That's on me we had to add a sweet header lol
  2. It will be no later than Friday. I don't have an official time just yet.
  3. I wanted to hop in here to say that most of the stuff the players are asking for will be addressed soon. Now I know in the past soon has been treated as a "sure three months" but this time I am working as fast as I can with team to get the asks you all have addressed. I know the speed is not what is being asked, but next week we will have some news to share with more to come in the following weeks. We don't want everyone to get tiny bits of information and we're working to deliver more as quick as possible. On that note I just ask to be patient just a little while longer.
  4. Development of KSP2 is full speed ahead. I can't speak to any of the reported news, but the team here is working hard on the next update as well as colonies.
  5. Ah, I am looking at a bit of both, but my main focus is on communication between development and community. Dakota and I both have our ideas, but this year I am working on being a better listener and I want the feedback from all players.
  6. Just wanted to jump in real quick and say thank you to those who have provided feedback from here and all other social platforms. I'm working with Dakota on prioritizing this feedback and seeing what we can come up with.
  7. I will get through it! I'm 2 episodes in and I love it so far
  8. No lip service. I'll check back in here later I know myself and the team would love to hear from everyone.
  9. Thank you everyone for all the feedback and comments. Also thank you @Dakotafor getting these all fixed up so quick.
  10. I'm happy to see the success of the show and I can't wait to watch. Trying too carve out some time this weekend to get some episodes in.
  11. Thank you so much it is getting better so I can turn my attention to the KSP community while I'm working and not worrying off to the side
  12. Hey, I don't have any big news or giant updates to add to this, but I am back as of yesterday. I have a lot of catching up to do and I'll be working very closely with the team to deliver the best possible experience for the players. Dakota was by himself for the last 5 months as I had twins and I wasn't able to return early due to unforeseen circumstances, but I am back and I'll do my best to be more active here and on other social platforms as well with Dakota.
  13. Weekly Challenge #36: Rover Race Next Challenge is a Rover Race! No levels for this one; just post your best time! Rules: Start at Runway R's south taxiway's crosswalk and race around the entire runway, back to the crosswalk (see map). Your vehicle may use any propulsion method, including detachable boosters or other expendable parts... But your active, kerbal-piloted vessel must not leave the ground. Your vehicle must not leave the pavement or touch grass.
  14. Weekly Challenge #35: Land on Laythe Primary: Land a kerbal anywhere on Laythe Secondary: Land a spaceplane safely on one of Laythe's islands Jeb: The spaceplane must be an SSTO that can return to Laythe orbit Val: Return the Spaceplane to Kerbin and land it at the KSC
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