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Posts posted by Clayel

  1. 2 hours ago, BIOZ said:

    Hi, @Clayel! You're welcome ^_^
    1. Yes. My cfg only rescale KSRSS configs, do not add any planet. And the only way I managed to get Earth to work is through dll editing, so right now Earth config is turned off.
    2. No. My files do not replace any other file. But the configs in those RSS and Parallax files interfere with KSRSS ones. I think I could clean it, but it's way easier just to delete the files or change the extension, like to 'IncreaseSubdivisionCount.cfga' (ModuleManager reads cfg only).

    Thanks for responding! One more question, do you plan on making custom scatters for the RSS planets themselves?

  2. On 3/10/2023 at 7:55 AM, BIOZ said:

    Hi, @R33. Here it is https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UtvgKx3omym0C-XmU5mwSqNe6vb7426p/view

    This config doesn't contain Earth. As I understand, right now Parallax has some problems with cbNameLater detection, which Earth depends on (or maybe it's just me stupid). I fixed it in my own dll, so if it's a real problem I'm sure it will be fixed properly very soon.

    Actually I didn't planned to make my configs public, so I optimized them for my GTX 1660. If you have better/worse hardware, you can tweak the numbers in my cfg. Also afaik BallisticFox was planning to make Parallax configs for both KSRSS and RSS, so I recommend to check KSRSS thread from time to time ;).

    Edit: Update https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GRbAlGB4DWfu_uNoTgedpBhU6roWpMc_/view

    Someone in the RP-1 server has pointed me towards this point, and I would first like to say thanks for actually making configs for RSS. (and making them public) Second, I have some questions about the way I install your config.

    1. The install text included with the file makes me think that only the configs for the Earth system, the Mars system, and Mercury are included, is this true?

    2. Also related to the install text, does your config replace the files that it tells me to delete? I'd assume so, but I'm a little cautious about deleting files.

  3. Any update on some fundamental problems that involve reusing or reimplementing similar or the same code from KSP 1? I've heard a lot of systems have not changed at all.

  4. On 5/28/2023 at 7:45 PM, Nightside said:

    I was able to get the bases (runways) to appear in the map (in flight mode). I did adjust the visibility range setting in Kerbal Konstructs as well as some graphics setting so I'm not sure what fixed it. 

    When you select the runway, or other symbol in the map a little KK window should pop up with a button to create a waypoint, and  basic info about the site. 


    Yea I wasn't able to see the runways, even when I adjusted the visibility settings. I'm opening up a new RP-1 save, so we'll see how it is in the new save.


  5. Yea, I've seen a couple people using it in the RP-1 server, so I wanted to try it out for planes.

    6 minutes ago, Nightside said:

    For now, if you know about where you where you need to go, you can find and click on bases to select and create waypoints.  Runways should still appear in flight. 

    By clicking on bases, do you mean in the map view? Also, do you know of any way to view the bases (like make waypoints or something) through kerbal konstructs possibly?

  6. I like the info that stuff is being done and addressed about current bugs, but what about problems that have persisted for a very long time, even before release? I've heard repeatedly from very qualified people (aka GotMachine, who had to dig into ksp 1 for his mods) that some of the critical systems that were said to be changed in KSP 2 were similar or exactly the same as KSP 1. Are new implementations of these systems being addressed, and why weren't they dealt with before being implemented originally?

  7. On 2/23/2023 at 10:31 AM, Nazalassa said:

    I may modify some stuff in them and well... Thanks for bringing back my attention to this thread, which reminds me that I have to try to get that YouTube account (or an alternative, but none seem to be better than YouTube) as I completely forgot :)

    One day, eventually...

    that day shall come!

  8. Does anyone know of a way to only control the roll of a craft using Smart A.S.S?  Disabling the pitch and yaw for a specific mode (for example, surface negative velocity) only makes it so mechjeb won't go to that specific pitch and yaw, but it will still try to maintain the current pitch and yaw. How do I make it so that it only controls the roll, without touching anything else? (without manually disabling pitch and yaw actuation controls in the PAW for rcs)

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