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Posts posted by Clayel

  1. 14 minutes ago, Nate Simpson said:


    Also, the KSP Forums have themes now! You can opt into them by clicking the theme dropdown at the bottom of the page:



    These are new? I just noticed these a few days ago after scrolling down to the bottom of the page and thought they were always there. Nice to see development on an old forum page!

    The dark mode especially is very welcoming.

  2. I've been having an issue for the past few days now where my last chosen time warp (aka before I exit the game) will get reset to:









    And then my standing warp which was previously those sequence of numbers (and which is also uneditable without going into the cfg file) will turn into:









    This bug is really starting to be annoying to me, especially because I have tried some fixes in the cfg and I have also uninstalled and reinstalled the mod, but it is still broken. I have to reset my time warp values every time I play a new ksp session, which is annoying. I also haven't encountered this bug previously, only on this RSS/RO install. Can someone (preferably linx?) help? My logs are below:







    linx oh mighty one please help

  3. Every time I change the position of the altimeter, it resets the next revert and I have to fix it again. The actual slider within the settings doesn't change, as moving it even a little bit causes the altimeter to snap back to its original position. This doesn't seem to happen after a new game session, as manually changing the altimeter position within the cfg file causes it to be at the correct position for that one launch. (but as stated previously, every launch after that will be at a bugged position) For now, I'm just going to disable this patch in the settings so it isn't bugging out every single time.

    Fixed position on launch 1:



    Bugged position on launch 2:


    KSP version : 1.12.5



    I've opened an issue relating to this bug on the github as well


  4. I think it would be useful if F2 (the button that removes all GUI) also removed the FPS counter by default. I try to get cinematic pictures often, and I have to hit both F2 and F8 in order to hide this one mod.

    In addition, it would be nice if this mod could be toggled to be enabled by default, so when I start up a new session the FPS counter is automatically there and I don't have to hit F8.

  5. On 2/17/2023 at 1:32 PM, Intercept Games said:

    Kerbal Space Program 2 encompasses many new features, most of which will continue to improve over the course of Early Access. Here’s what’s new:


    The Training Center
    The all-new training center provides players with sequential lessons that teach the basics of spaceflight, starting with core concepts and then moving into simulated flights that give you an opportunity to try out what you’ve learned. There are currently four main lessons, ranging from basic rocketry to interplanetary maneuvering. You can access any tutorial even during normal flight – simply open the ESC menu and select Training Center, and your current flight will be paused and then automatically resumed when the tutorial has ended. 

    New tutorials will be added to the training center as the game grows during Early Access. Your input on the effectiveness of these learning tools is extremely valuable, so please feel free to submit your feedback via the launcher feedback tools.

    Training center.jpg

    Vehicle Construction and Workspaces
    When you save your work in the VAB, you don’t just save one craft file anymore. Instead, you save a workspace that may comprise several subassemblies. Since KSP2 allows players to work on multiple assemblies simultaneously, you may want to think of a workspace save as a snapshot of everything that’s being worked on for a given engineering project. There are a few new concepts that come along with this change:

    • You now have a Vehicle Name and a separate Workspace Filename. Your vehicle name is what you’ll see in the Tracking Station when your vehicle is in flight - for example, “Kerpollo 11”. Your Workspace Filename, on the other hand, should change every time you want to create a unique save of your construction progress — so ”Kerpollo 11A,“ ”Kerpollo 11B,“ etc. would make good workspace filenames.
    • You control which subassembly in a workspace will go to the launchpad when you select the Launch button. The Launch Assembly tool, which lives on the VAB toolbar at the bottom of the screen, can be used to designate which subassembly in the workspace is your flight-ready vehicle.
    • The Part Anchor tool at the bottom of the screen controls which part within a subassembly is its root part – eg. the part of the subassembly that will be its main point of manipulation/attachment. To change which part of a subassembly is its Anchor, select this tool and then click on the part of the vehicle you wish to set as the root part.

    In contrast to the separate Vehicle Assembly Building and Spaceplane Hangar of the original KSP, KSP2 has only a single VAB within which all vehicles are created. To switch between vertical (rockets) and horizonal (planes and rovers) construction modes, toggle the workspace orientation button at the lower left corner of the screen.
    VAB rover.jpg

    You’ll find a few other new capabilities in the VAB, as well:

    • By selecting the View Cube at lower left, you can enter and exit Plan View, which gives you an orthogonal perspective of your vehicle from one of six directions. This is handy for lining up edges and making sure that angles are just right.
    • Clicking and dragging the middle mouse button allows you to track the VAB camera along the vehicle’s long axis. To focus the camera on a particular part, middle-click that part. Use the scroll wheel to zoom.
    • To change the color of all or part of your vehicle, select the color picker on the VAB toolbar. This tool allows you to assign both a primary color and an accent color to your vehicle. If you only want to change the color of a single part, select the Part button at the top of the dialog. You can control the visibility of both primary and accent colors via the transparency slider to the right of the color swatch. If you want to see only a primary color on your part, select the accent color and drag the transparency slider all the way down. If you want to see no paint on the part at all, select the primary color and drag the transparency slider all the way down. Shiny!
    • There are three new types of procedural wings: Wings, Stabilizers, and All-Moving Control Surfaces. After placing one of these parts on your vehicle, you can modify its shape and attributes by selecting the wrench icon that appears above the part on mouseover. For Wings and Stabilizers, this editor also allows you to toggle the presence of integrated control surfaces, as well as the shape and placement of those control surfaces. Here’s a handy tip: you can create compound wings with interesting silhouettes by attaching multiple wings end-to-end!
    • Interstage shrouds, which bridge the gap between an upper-stage engine and the decoupler placed beneath it, are now also procedural, allowing them to flare or taper to match the core sizes of the parts they’re connecting.
    • If you want to attach multiple engines to the bottom of a stage, first add an engine plate beneath the stage above. You can attach any number of engines to an engine plate - just select a symmetry mode and place the engines in whatever configuration you like. Engine plates will automatically deploy interstage shrouds, just like any other engine. You can modify the vertical distance of the floating node (the connection point to which something placed beneath the engines will attach) by right-clicking on the engine plate and adjusting the Floating Node slider in the Part Action Manager.
    • There is a Favorites category at the top of the part picker. To add a part to your Favorites tab, select the star button on that part’s entry.

    Known Issues (currently being addressed)

    • Some parts from the original KSP aren't available - a few parts won't carry over — for example, the increased flexibility of the new engine plate system has reduced the need for bespoke compound parts like the Twin Boar and Mammoth engines. Also, the old patchwork wing parts have been supplanted by procedural wings. Other parts (for example A.I.R.B.R.A.K.E.s) are still in development and will be added in future updates. And of course Science collection, future propulsion, and colony parts will be added alongside their respective feature updates.
    • There are still a few gremlins in our serialization code, and very rarely (especially when building high-complexity vehicles) your vehicle may collapse into an unrecoverable pile of parts on the floor of the VAB. For now, it’s a good idea to save frequently.
    • Trip planner – the trip planner occasionally displays inaccurate delta-v numbers for some destinations. All delta-v numbers in the VAB use vacuum specific impulse numbers, which affects their accuracy. This will be addressed in a future update. Delta-v numbers shown in the staging stack during flight dynamically reflect the current flight state.
    • The center of lift indicator does not yet update dynamically when you adjust a wing in the editor - to see the effects of a wing modification, you must first exit the editor to update the center of lift.

    Flight and Maneuvering
    When launching from a launchpad, the first staging input triggers a ten-second countdown that automatically ends with a launch. If you wish to skip the countdown, simply stage again and your vehicle will lift off.

    When you turn on the Stability Assist System (also called S.A.S.), your vehicle will by default attempt to maintain its current orientation. When you select one of the orientation buttons to the right of your navball, your vehicle will use S.A.S. to orient in the direction you’ve selected. If you want your vehicle to hold its orientation after that, simply select the “hold orientation” button with the padlock icon. You can also toggle S.A.S. off and back on with the T key if you wish to quickly lock in your current orientation.

    There are a few new camera modes, in addition to the auto, orbit, and horizon modes you might remember from the original KSP. Chase mode now follows the vehicle like it’s on a sled, with the camera oriented to the up-direction of whatever command part is controlling the vessel - it’s a great choice for docking maneuvers. The new capture camera allows you to film your vehicle from any angle, and provides handy movement speed controls, dolly and panning controls, and camera roll controls – all of which live on the numpad.

    In Map Mode, planetary spheres of influence (SOIs) are now visible - when you pass into or out of an SOI, a ripple effect shows the point of interception. When you create a Maneuver Plan, the projected trajectory depicts the portion of your path that will take place under acceleration - this is shown as a red line. Importantly, the tech that allows us to pre-calculate accelerating trajectories also allows time warp under acceleration, so provided you’re outside an atmosphere you can greatly reduce the amount of time you spend waiting for burns to end.

    Orbit station.jpg

    Known Issues (currently being addressed)

    • Re-entry heating and thermal systems are offline - you'll have a brief window here at the beginning of Early Access during which you can re-enter any atmosphere without a heat shield. We’re still buttoning down our heat transfer, ablation, and occlusion systems. Vapor cone visual effects are also still in-progress.
    • No collision on trees or rocks - we're optimizing collision for these objects right now, and in the interest of maintaining good framerates we're going to complete that optimization work before letting you crash into these objects. For now, they're holograms. While KSC buildings ARE collideable, they are not yet destructible.
    • Framerate stutters/lag - we're continuing to work down the list of performance optimizations, from highest to lowest impact. As we push processes out of the main thread and continue to improve the efficiency of our physics, resource flow, VFX, and graphics systems, framerates should improve for all players.
    • Some UI elements can be challenging to interact with - we're still cleaning up the systems that give priority to different classes of information in the map view, and there are times when you need to click a few extra times to get a hold of the maneuver planner. Similarly, you may have some challenges associating selected parts with their data in the Part Manager. We’re making several changes to the current UI so you can expect this experience to improve over time. This is a particular area within which we welcome your feedback.


    One final note - we take modding very seriously, and we're looking forward to working alongside our counterparts in the community to improve the moddability of KSP2. As stability and performance improve, we will continue to devote resources to opening up more areas of the game to modders during Early Access. Our first modding priority in the coming months will be to provide greater access to part modders. We'll release more information on modding support once Early Access is underway.

    definitely address the performance issues as top priority, cant wait for the release!

  6. Ok so, I tried to enable the galaxy mode in GU settings by setting it to true instead of false (like it says in the github instructions)

    I had not switched my home system at all



    So I loaded up the game, and the first thing I noticed was that everything was blue.


    I then noticed that a lot of my crafts were in a previously unknown star system, so I went to click on it and this was the only picture I got before it crashed


    After the game crash, my computer blue-screened

    I'm not sure if I want to load up the game again...

  7. 4 hours ago, StarCrusher96 said:

    1. Instantiator is not required for galaxy mode in 1.3. It adds jets to GU's exotic objects. The mod works perfectly fine and a link to the right download is mentioned in the installationguide. 

    2. I'll look into the parts. @JadeOfMaar (i'll ping you as well)

    3. This should not be broken (just checked), it's exospheric like the moon with a pressure of 3e-13 kpa (which is almost vacuum). The game reads this as 0, tho temperature and pressure affect the crafts.


    Alright, adding onto that, how do I get the galaxy mode to show up in GU 1.3? I have Alpha Centauri and the Stellar Adventures Expansion and I don't see any galaxy shape when I zoom out, only a collection of the included star systems in random locations. Do I need to have multiple star systems installed?

  8. @StarCrusher96

    Is INSTANTIATOR still required for the galaxy shape to show up with the stellar adventures expansion? That mod doesn't look like its been updated on ckan since 1.3.1.

    Also, the long and short version of the IPD-03 (for GU Parts) have exactly the same name and description but they are still listed as separate parts in the VAB. Could this be changed?

    Also also, I think the atmosphere for Cail (in Nova Kirbani B) is broken, on the map view it says that it has an atmosphere but it is exactly 0 atm pressure. (as opposed to like .0001 or something)

  9. 22 hours ago, Anth12 said:

    Only happens when a craft or Kerbal is on top of the new arch.

    When rotating the camera the colours change almost looking metallic which is completely different from the normal way KSP does the ore resourcing overlay.

    The save was just for finding the arch and nothing else so no mining or scanning had been done. I cheated the craft into Mun orbit then deorbited onto different anomolies as I had no idea what I was looking for

    Yeah I have no idea, all I can think is verifying the game files and then maybe reinstalling.

  10. On 12/31/2022 at 7:21 PM, Clayel said:

    This mod is very useful, but I wish it would add something that squad clearly forgot about. An actual docking attachment point to the shielded docking port like the normal docking port has. This would save me so much time during the building of my missions. Honestly, it doesn't even have to go away if you close the shield, if that would take too much work to implement.

    If anyone else is having this problem, I managed to fix it quite easily. All you have to do is go into the .cfg file for the shielded docking port (it's in gamedata/squad/parts/utility), and edit 2 things:

    Change the attach rules to have a 1 in the third slot ("#,#,1,#,#")

    Copy the "node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.2828832, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1" from the normal docking port file and past it above the "node_stack_bottom" in the shielded docking port file.


    This adds a permanent node on the top of the docking port, it doesn't go away when you close the shield.

    It would still be nice if the mod made it so you don't have to do it manually though.

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