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Posts posted by Clayel

  1. 2 hours ago, darthgently said:

    This is a known issue. The mod Editor Extensions Redux has a button to restore that and other buttons to working as well as a lot of other nice feature I can't live without




    Weirdly, this bug started when I had that mod installed, and when I uninstalled it the bug persisted, which is why I decided to report it. What's the button in Editor Extensions?

  2. 16 hours ago, Starseeker said:

    Probably better to ask over in the Stock Waterfall Effects thread, since that'll be the mod that adds effects to the Rapiers; this is just a framework mod, and doesn't change anything by itself :)

    If you're comfortable enough w/ ModuleManager to write your own patch, you could use the ingame editor to move the templates used and then copy those offset values to your patch; been a while since I was trying my hand at doing Waterfall stuff though, so can't give much more help than that ^^;

    I've been informed that the Waterfall Restock mod thread is also in this forum. (I probably should've mentioned that I'm using restock) So... idk what I should do now

  3. 8 minutes ago, JonnyOThan said:

    KSP Logs

    Ah, it looks like WaterfallRestock doesn't actually have a config for rapiers, so it's falling back to the one from StockWaterfallEffects.  But still, I'd say that it's up to WaterfallRestock to configure that plume correctly, not StockWaterfallEffects.

    Should I bring this problem to Waterfall Restock then? Or...

  4. 2 minutes ago, JonnyOThan said:

    Please include your log file.  It looks like you're using Restock, in which case you should be using WaterfallRestock instead: https://github.com/post-kerbin-mining-corporation/WaterfallRestock/releases

    I am using Waterfall Restock as well. Can you tell me how to find my log file? I'm new to this stuff.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Starseeker said:

    Probably better to ask over in the Stock Waterfall Effects thread, since that'll be the mod that adds effects to the Rapiers; this is just a framework mod, and doesn't change anything by itself :)

    If you're comfortable enough w/ ModuleManager to write your own patch, you could use the ingame editor to move the templates used and then copy those offset values to your patch; been a while since I was trying my hand at doing Waterfall stuff though, so can't give much more help than that ^^;

    Ah, fair point, mb

  6. 1 hour ago, JonnyOThan said:

    That's not the right setting.   I think you want PAWStockGroups instead.

    Are you sure? That doesn't seem like it's related to the problem. I'll test it out though.


    EDIT: Nevermind, that sorta worked. It removed the groups of the part action window which I thought were kinda cool but this is more important. Thanks!

  7. I'm having problems with a certain QoL update that this mod makes, and its really annoying me. As shown below, the part action window for any part defaults to being "closed", which takes a lot of time when I have to manually open all of them into order to do autostrut or whatever. This would be fine if the method to disable patches worked, however it does not for some reason. I've tried multiple different solutions to disable the patch, and nothing is working. Can someone help?


  8. 35 minutes ago, Doc Shaftoe said:

    Those are definitely waterfall plumes, but the description is modified by RealPlume. My guess is that your RealPlume might be out of date or there's an error in the configs somewhere because that description modifier shouldn't be showing up if you have Waterfall installed. KeaKaka is right though, the issues with the plumes not connecting to the engine bells is a Waterfall issue and should probably be discussed in the thread for whatever waterfall configs you're using.

    Just tested it myself, and you are definitely correct. However, with a fresh install of Real Plume it still shows the RAPIER plume as being managed by it in the description, how strange. I will report the main bug to the Waterfall thread.

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