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    Performing re-entry burn

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  1. I just have a collection of random flags over the years. If you’d like them I can probably assemble them into a Google drive link and send them over to you. I also use this mod to shape conform the decals to my crafts like stickers: As for the Buran, it’s from these two mods: it’s located in the “extras” folder here. and also this mod:
  2. Its a part from this mod: https://spacedock.info/mod/3245/HLS project There's a small little part in that mod that you place inside your rocket for the Aero effect. Enjoy
  3. Tantares 2024 A collection of pictures I've taken over that last year from a mod I love. Happy 10 years Tantares
  4. Many MANY attempts. But also I reduced my translation velocity to 0, and was coming straight down the whole decent. I basically lowered the cable at around 20-30m so that I wouldn’t have too much time for things to start to go wrong. I also noticed that it was easier to stop sway by instead of hovering the skycrane at 0 velocity, it was better to be slightly decending at 2-3m/s downward. So I would lower the cable to the length shown in the video, then I would stop the winch. Once at the proper length, I would descend till the rover touched the surface, and would then cut the cable. Hope that kinda makes sense.
  5. KAS winch and cable assisting with a skycrane rover delivery.
  6. It’s from a part from this mod: https://spacedock.info/mod/3245/HLS project
  7. N1 mission to the moon. Loving the new part textures, they look awesome
  8. Atlas V w/h Boring Starliner featuring RCS and Abort motor effects by @UCTech
  9. We're still working on it. I will admit progress stalled a little bit over the summer, but we're back to working on it. Honestly not a whole lot left to do for this, and we'll try and get it out there in a beta state soon
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