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Everything posted by KerbalOnKerbin

  1. Yeah, to be fair I've always known my graphics card is bad. The best it can do is run Minecraft, Roblox, and Factorio. Even with stock visuals it sometimes likes to die.
  2. I get around 60 with the same craft in High orbit, and something like 40-45 in low orbit (when looking straight down)
  3. I have a 4GB VRAM with 32 gigs of main RAM. I also have reflections turned off and about every setting at minimum (except terrain quality)
  4. I only have the EVE module installed, no scatterer. My craft is below around 50 parts. My PC is medium spec, with a AMD Ryzen 1700 and a Radeon RX 550
  5. Question: How can I get more performance with just the EVE module installed? I'm getting like 18fps in low orbit of Kerbin and 32fps when in high orbit. I get better FPS on Eve and Duna and Jool, with Eve and Duna giving around 30fps in low orbit and jool giving 55fps. Laythe gives 28fps
  6. Didn't do much today since my mind keeps swapping KSP mods. Honestly never should've found out about mods in the first place.
  7. I found the problem. It turns out that Kerbal Weather Project was the issue, since that mod adds new thermodynamic effects and changes atmospheres. I installed it because it said "compatible with all other mods".
  8. I've noticed that the 70KM instant areo effects bug has also been happening in the stock solar system and in other ones, put peculiarly not in GPP.
  9. I'm still having the issue with the atmosphere starting too high, even after completely reinstalling everything i have. The atmo effects and slowing starts at 70KM, but if I timewarp, it's fine till the regular 33KM. If I stop timewarping while not in the 33KM atmo, it starts the areo stuff again.
  10. Actually I figured out that Kerbalism was the problem, as when I removed it everthing worked fine
  11. So, I installed FreeIVA, and it worked fine with the centrifuges, but then one day the centrifuges stopped working. The IVA didn't spin around and trying to get into the centrifuge just showed "hatch is locked". I can send Gamedata if needed. Also I can't get into the centrifuge central part from any other part. And when I put the kerbal into the centrifuge it doesn't give the artificial gravity and the centrifuge is just spinning outside. I think it might be something to do with Reviva. Even when I completely reinstall all my mods and it still breaks itself. I found some log errors involving the centrifuge iva "exiting" certain parts, and also one involving the first person EVA (from ThroughTheEyes)
  12. Hey, so I heard that there is a combo thermometer and barometer wedge, but can't find it anywhere in the part list, even though being present in the mod's files.
  13. Question - this might sound annoying - but how is development going? I know it's the holidays and all, but I would just like to hear about how this mod is going.
  14. Also - Is it normal for the space music to start playing at 33000 meters (indicating im in space) but the atmo bar doesn't fully go down till 70000 meters? Edit - it also randomly stops areo effects at 33000 but if I try to circualize at that altitude, it randomly starts the areo effects again and i start slowing down.
  15. Which asteriod would you reccomend for a starter refueling base? I tried Lu since it was close by, then Garner, which ended up working fairly well, minus the DV requirement, but what's the best asteriod for low-cost transfers?
  16. Question - I've tried playing a bit in Sandbox but have noticed that for direct transfers to the Arripit Belt objects, it's very expensive. Is it better to treat it as a docking manuver with the short orbital periods of these objects? I'm trying to set up a refueling base on one of them, so was wondering about this.
  17. Question - I can't get onto the ladders in the outer part of a centrifuge. I press space and everything, but I can't grab on to climb out back into the main spacecraft. Any fix?
  18. Could there be an update to this with Parallax 2.0 support? Or does this already work with that?
  19. Absolutely awesome with the Eve developement. It looks almost like KSP2 Eve with the EVE on. Also, is there the possibility of making Kerbol slightly less orangey? I know it's supposed to be an orange dwarf, but it just looks kinda odd to me.
  20. Looking awesome! This seems like my perfect ideal setup for KSP. Awesome visuals, new planets and 2.7x scale! Can't wait to see this finished! take you time though
  21. My gosh, that is absolutely stunning! Do you know what the performance overhead/minimum system requirements will be for this once it's out? Keep up the awesome work!
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