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Everything posted by lunarpilott

  1. Hey there I have an issue, my kerbin looks like this https://imgur.com/a/ntBEnhP It seems like it is a little too light or vibrant to what the images of kerbin look like on this post. Can it be tufx? Or maybe another reason? If you could help i would be happy! Thanks
  2. I reached out to discord and now it seems to work pretty fine. The only thing is that now AVP has no sunset/sunrise effects and the cloud are really sharp compared to that video.
  3. AVP (4k textures and optional cloud textures) EVE Redux, Planetshine, Scatterer, Waterfall and Stock waterfall effects and module manager of course.
  4. Hello, recently I got a new PC so I decided to go get some better visual mods. This exact video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJCCDIBmrBI really caught my attention. Though, no matter what I do I can't seem to figure out how it looks so good and what mods he uses. I even followed the mod tutorial he did but it looked different than the video. Does anyone know what mods i could use or what he does/uses to make his game look so good? Thanks!
  5. I've tried it and it changes the grass a bit, but im talking darker. I want it to look like the image and kinda similar to the grass away from KSC.
  6. Recently I saw many people had a darker/dim kinda forest green grass near the ksc which look really natural. Example: https://imgur.com/a/D9zLVue (Credit to @Zorg) Does anyone know how to make it look like that? It looks amazing. Thanks!
  7. Do you know if there is any way to make the grass darker without using JNSQ?
  8. Hey, how did you get your grass to look 'darker' like on the first picture? I don't like the bright one that I have right now. Do you know how to make the grass darker?
  9. Actually turns out I had broken mods installed and it was messing spectra up + some other mods. But thanks for your help! Also another thing is how do i get my game look like this? https://imgur.com/a/GjOpQ3L (It is on the spectra official forum post)
  10. So recently I have installed Spectra Now I have already asked a similar question but does anyone know how to make my game look like this? (The image) If anyone knows what mods/configs I need i would be happy.
  11. I have finally got it working. My last question would be how can I make my game look EXACTLY (or atleast close) to this - https://imgur.com/a/GjOpQ3L I personally think it looks really good. Does anyone know how to achieve this look?
  12. Yeah, I did install all of the dependencies needed and Kerbin was just a saturated blue ball without clouds for some reason. But I'm gonna try to downgrade my version and if that doesn't work ill get back here.
  13. Do you know how to change my KSP version (on steam) with me being able to still load my saves?
  14. Woah, didn't expect you to comment, I have used CKAN but for some reason the clouds don't appear. Any idea why?
  15. Hi there, recently I have saw a mod called 'Spectra' and thought it looked really good. Especially one image really stood out to me. Basically whenever I install the mod and all the needed dependencies the clouds and some few other small things don't seem to be working even though it works for other players. I want to recreate this exact look https://imgur.com/a/GjOpQ3L (image). If anyone knows how to both make my game look like that and fix spectra to show clouds i would be really greatful. Another small thing is that KSC Extended isn't working properly but that is less important right now. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1V-EK49RnClrO8FA8l4KjR5ln9KRDVE1k/view?usp=sharing (KSP.log)
  16. Woah, hey this really does make the game look way better! I'm acually impresed anyone could help me with that Anyways really thank you for the help! My game looks amazing now even with low lag since im on a laptop.
  17. First, I just want to say I'm pretty new to KSP and modding the game So, I was opening KSP and thought about one of the loading screens and I always thought it looked really good. I was wondering if anyone knows how I can make my game look like this? I really like the colors the lighting and the shaders. Just the whole look in general. If anyone knows how to make my game look like this I would be happy. And if I need any configs maybe someone knows them. https://imgur.com/a/xUAGlEG (The image) Thanks!
  18. Woah Thank you so much it actually worked! The best thing is that it fixed like 5 other mods which i thought were outdated. This was really helpful, especially for someone new like me. Now I will make sure to use CKAN for most of my mods Thanks for the solution!
  19. Okay so here is the link to the KSP.log file and some screenshots. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1EjOdOAfq8Y9TrMF8yh1caCY67ONvife-?usp=sharing The thing that isn't working is when I open KSP the microphone icon doesn't appear on the toolbar and the sounds don't appear, even though I have done the insturction for installing multiple times. As I said, I think I might be doing something wrong but I hope you can help me.
  20. Well right now I am in school so once i get back i can post a screenshot. And to your question, yes the icon doesn't appear on the toolbar and the mod doesn't work. I will send a link to my KSP.log once I get back home.
  21. I just wanna say that im pretty new both to KSP and modding So, I have seen people say chatterer is a really good mod and it works on the newest version of KSP. I tried to install it from ckan, from spacedock and from github and none of these worked. But for other people i see it works even on the newest version. Am i doing something wrong?
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