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  1. Spectra Compatibility With Blackracks Volumetric Clouds What this mod does remove the 2D clouds in Spectra while retaining the aurora on the planets that have them. With the previous clouds removed you can use blackracks volumetric clouds along side the auroras of Spectra (It looks so pretty!!!) Installation: If you have any graphic mods such as Eve, astronomer's visual pack, Sve ect you need to delete them. Any mods that provides clouds/cloud textures get rid of them. Once that has been done unzip the download and move Spectra into your game folder along with the Module Manager 4.2.2 (unless you already have it) Follow the same instruction for the Extra, remember the extra folder requires Scatterer Required mods: -True Volumetric Clouds Early Access Update 14/01/23 at https://www.patreon.com/blackrack -Module Manager 4.2.2 - included in the zip but just incase it gets deleted Optional if you want extra eye candy: -Scatterer: https://spacedock.info/mod/141/scatterer, this is reqiured for the scatterer file provided in "Extras" I have not modified it in any way, it's the additional scatterer file included in Spectra. All credits go too: @Avera9eJoe For making the amazing mod spectra @Benzo Kerman Building almost exclusively the release to 1.6.0 @blackrack's Scatterer Atmospheric scattering and tinting with custom configs. Ocean shaders. @JadeOfMaar's Sunflares of Maar Spectra uses a more stockalike version of Jade's Primus sunflare. I would like to add that I had no part in the making of any of these mods. These creators take all credit and if I'm missing someone within the credits please contact me so I can fix it. All I did is make this work together. Download Spacedock: https://spacedock.info/mod/3440/ Spectra Compatibility With Blackracks Volumetric Clouds#info
  2. SOLVED : check bottom of this post Hi all, I'd want to make the Spectra visual pack and the nice OPM visual component of AVP compatible together. So basicaly : Keep Spectra as it is, but add on top of it only the OPM visuals from AVP. This is of course exclusively for my personal usage, I do not intend of reditributing this. (But who knows maybe it could become a patch integrated with spectra one day, if it works, let's dream !) Before going any further, let me remind you the folder structure of both mods, to hopefully ease reasoning : - Spectra : - AVP : I'm used to MM and to modify, mod, and make patches for parts, but I'm new to the visuals stuff... So anyway, I tried few things : - Merged AVP-OPM into Spectra's folder, by keeping all Spectra files/structure the same, but incorporating AVP-OPM inside, in the revelant cfgs, copying over the avp textures, changing their name if spectra had the same already, and changing all cfgs to point at the right textures in the right folders... - Made a new mod in my gamedata, named OPMVisuals, and keeping inside only the OPM necessary components of AVP. In both cases, Spectra was still working on stock planets, but OPM had neither scatterer, or EVE clouds, well nothing ^^ I think the issue is that they both provide EVE configs and textures which don't load, or overwrite for some reason, for OPM, I don't know anyway ^^. But this is weird, since others planets packs mods ( like Quackpack, and other exoplanets mods) manage to add their own scatterer and EVE configs, while keeping Spectra untouched, so I still have hope ! Big thanks in advance for your help ! Peace Solution : - Install spectra, install AVP - in AVP delete everything non related to OPM, EXCEPT the textures.cfg found in AVP_Config/Stock, which handles also OPM textures, even if it's located in the stock folder..... - in AVP, delete scatterer folder related to stock bodies (kerbin/duna/etc) Enjoy ! Peace
  3. Hi there, recently I have saw a mod called 'Spectra' and thought it looked really good. Especially one image really stood out to me. Basically whenever I install the mod and all the needed dependencies the clouds and some few other small things don't seem to be working even though it works for other players. I want to recreate this exact look https://imgur.com/a/GjOpQ3L (image). If anyone knows how to both make my game look like that and fix spectra to show clouds i would be really greatful. Another small thing is that KSC Extended isn't working properly but that is less important right now. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1V-EK49RnClrO8FA8l4KjR5ln9KRDVE1k/view?usp=sharing (KSP.log)
  4. So recently I have installed Spectra Now I have already asked a similar question but does anyone know how to make my game look like this? (The image) If anyone knows what mods/configs I need i would be happy.
  5. Kerbal States Forever Game Mode: Science Sandbox. Jingoist mode; on. Spiritual successor to America Rising. Chapter One – A Higher Frontier Launch 1: Vanguard 1 / Vanguard SLV 1 Year 1, Day 1 - 0001 Hours Mission: Technology Test satellite to medium Kerbin orbit. Location: Kerbal Space Center Agency: KSN The honor of launching the world's first satellite went to the "civilian" team of the Navy Research Laboratory (NRL), headed by Rosen Kerman. Based out of the Kerbal States' premier launch site at Kerbal Space Center, the NRL team was a major player in the space program from Day One. Launch 2: Explorer 1 / Juno II 1 Year 1, Day 4 - 0434 Hours Mission: Science satellite to medium Kerbin orbit. Location: Green Sands Proving Grounds Agency: KSARMY Second to orbit a satellite, but not necessarily second-best was the Army's team out of Green Sands Proving Grounds. Led by the world's leading rocket engineer, Werhner Von Kerman, the Army was poised from the beginning to become the premier agency for the development of satellites and spacecraft. Launch 3: Explorer 2 / Juno II 2 Year 1, Day 16 - 0538 Hours Mission: Science satellite to medium Kerbin orbit. Location: Green Sands Proving Grounds Agency: KSARMY Von Kerman was quick to launch a second Explorer after the first, in many ways only to cement his team's ability to repeat their success. Launch 4: Vanguard 2 / Vanguard SLV 2 Year 1, Day 29 - 0253 Hours Mission: Science satellite to medium Kerbin orbit. Location: Kerbal Space Center Agency: KSN The second of NRL's satellites included an experiment package as a proving flight for using satellites for scientific research. Launch 5: Pioneer 1 / Jupiter Able 1 (J3-AB3) Year 1, Day 47 - 0018 Hours Mission: Science probe to high Mun orbit. Location: Kerbal Space Center Agency: KSARMY/KSN The Pioneer project was the first direct collaboration between the services to jointly launch a series of exploratory space probes. Each service was assigned the lead to launch one space probe to Kerbin's moon. Whilst the Navy and Army immediately joined forces to produce the Jupiter Able launch vehicle, the Air Force remained aloof. The first Pioneer was NRL's space probe.
  6. America Rising Game Mode: Science Sandbox. Jingoist mode; on. Mission to recreate the greatest NASA moments, completed. Sadly this save was a victim of KSP update 1.12. Table of Contents Chapter One - The First Steps Missions 1-5: Explorer 1, Vanguard 1, Explorer 2, Pioneer 1, SCORE Missions 6-10: Vanguard 2, Corona KH-1-9001, Explorer 3, Transit 1, Big Joe 1 Missions 11-15: Vanguard 3, Explorer 4, Pioneer 2, TIROS 1, Corona KH-1-9002 Missions 16-20: Transit 2-SOLRAD 1, Courier 1, Pioneer 3, Corona KH-1-9003, Explorer 5 Missions 21-25: Mercury 1, Explorer 6, Corona KH-5-9004, Mercury 2, Explorer 7 Missions 26-30: Ranger 1, Mercury 3, Corona KH-5-9005, Ranger 2, Mercury 4 Chapter Two – Aiming Higher Missions 31-35: OSO 1, Corona KH-4-9006, Ranger 3, Mercury 5, Mercury 6 Missions 36-40: Pioneer 4, Corona KH-4-9007, Mercury 7, Telstar 1, Ranger 4 Missions 41-45: Mariner 1, Mercury 8 MML, Corona-KH-4-9008, Alouette 1, Gemini 1 Missions 46-50: Ranger 5, Ranger 6, Gemini 2, Corona-KH-4-9009, Relay 1 Missions 51-55: Gemini 3, Explorer 8, Syncom 1, Explorer 9, Corona KH-4-9010 Missions 56-60: ATDA 1, Gemini 4, Gemini 5, Mariner 2, Telstar 2 Chapter Three – A Home in Space Missions 61-65: Syncom 2, Corona-KH-4-9011, Dyna-Soar-0, Explorer 10, Syncom 3 Missions 66-70: MOL (Pegasus), Gemini 6 (Pegasus 1), Saturn SA1 (MOL 2), Corona KH-7-9012, Nimbus 1 Missions 71-75: GATV 1, Gemini 7, OGO 1, Ranger SD-1, Gemini 8 (Pegasus 2) Missions 76-80: Saturn SA2 (MOL 3), Corona KH-7-9013, Mariner 3, Mariner 4, Dyna-Soar-1 Missions 81-85: Transit3-SOLRAD-2, Quill-1, GATV 2, Gemini 9 (Blue Gemini-1), Intelsat 1 Missions 86-90: Corona KH-7-9014, Mariner 5, Gemini 10 (Pegasus 3), Saturn SA3 (MOL 4), Relay 2 Chapter Four – An American Moon Missions 91-95: LES-1, Dyna-Soar-2, OGO 2, IDCSP 1 (IDCSP-1 to 8), Gemini 11 (Pegasus 4) Missions 96-100: Saturn SA4 (MOL 5), Corona KH-7-9015, Gemini 12, Hugin, Surveyor 1 Missions 101-105: Saturn SA5 (Apollo 0), OAO 1, Munar Orbiter 1, Gemini 13, Surveyor 2 Missions 106-110: Corona KH-7-9016, Gemini 14 (Pegasus 5), Munin, Explorer 11, Apollo 1 Missions 111-115: Hitchhiker 1, IDCSP 2 (IDCSP 9 to 16), Apollo 2, Surveyor 3, Corona KH-8-9017 Missions 116-120: Gemini 15 (Pegasus 6), Munar Orbiter 2, IDCSP 3 (IDCSP-17 to 19), Biosat 1, Apollo 3 Chapter Five – In Space to Stay Missions 121-125: Nimbus 2, Intelsat 2-1 and 2-2, Strawman 1, Apollo 4, Surveyor 4 Final Update Launch 1: Explorer 1 / Jupiter LV1 Mission: World's First Satellite. Scientific experiment satellite to medium Kerbin orbit. Orbit Information: 643km x 155.5km, 32.6 deg inclination. Derelict. Payload: Explorer 1 - Twin Geiger counters. Manufactured by JPL for ABMA. The World's First Satellite was launched by a three-stage Jupiter rocket developed under the supervision of Werhner Von Kerman of the Army Ballistic Missile Agency (ABMA). The first stage consisted of the Army's Jupiter IRBM while the second consisted of 11 Sergeant solid rockets arranged in a crown. This bundle boosted a final stage of a single Sergeant rocket mated to the Explorer 1 science payload into orbit. The political background that led to the launch is a storied event, but can be summarized as the result of Presidential intervention on the inter-service rivalry that erupted between the United States Army, Air Force, and Navy on the development and future of American rocketry. Each service proposed their own vision of the future and asked for the funding to make it possible. In the end the Army won the prize of launching the World's first satellite. It must be stated that Von Kerman had originally pitched to launch the first satellite as soon as kerbally possible using the less capable, but available Redstone rocket and a three-stage arrangement of Sergeant rockets. He had been denied, as the President sided with the Army on further development of space launch vehicles and wanted it "done right" using the more powerful Jupiter rocket. Readings from the Explorer satellite would show the existence of two separate bands of higher radiation in orbit, now known as the Van Kerman radiation belts. Explorer would provide radiation data until its batteries depleted. Launch 2: Vanguard 1 / Jupiter LV2 Mission: Scientific experiment satellite to medium Kerbin orbit. Orbit Information: 895km x 248km, 33.8 deg inclination. Payload: Vanguard 1 - Temperature sensor, and radio transmitter. Manufactured by NRL. In light of the decision not to develop the Navy's proposed Vanguard rocket, the Army agreed to orbit NRL's satellite series. Vanguard was the first use of the four-stage arrangement of the Jupiter launch vehicle. In this configuration, the 11 Sergeant rocket crown would detach itself from a three Sergeant stage, before terminating with a single Sergeant and the Vanguard 1 payload. Unlike the Explorer, a decoupler was used to detach Vanguard to orbit alone after the rocket was depleted. Vanguard itself took initial orbital temperature readings and had a repeating transmitter which was used to in an effort to correlate the size and shape of Kerbin. Vanguard was the first satellite with small solar panels which allowed it to recharge its batteries. Launch 3: Explorer 2 / Jupiter LV3 Mission: Scientific experiment satellite to medium Kerbin orbit. Classified military secondary mission. Orbit Information: 930km x 114km, 49 deg inclination. Derelict. Payload: Explorer 2 - Twin Geiger counters. Manufactured by JPL for ABMA. Explorer 2 was the second launch using the Jupiter four-stage arrangement. This allowed Explorer 2 to reach a higher orbit than its predecessor. Publicly the satellite was used to reinforce the discovery of the Van Kerman radiation belts and provided a second series of data in which to map the radiation belts. Secretly, Explorer 2 was also used to detect radiation levels in space as part of Operation Argus. During the operation, a nuclear warhead was detonated at high altitude to measure the Christofilos effect. Explorer 2 continued to send back data until its batteries depleted. Launch 4: Pioneer 1 / Jupiter LV4-Able 1 Mission: First space probe to encounter and orbit the Mun. Scientific experiment probe to high Mun orbit. Orbit information: 1.69 Mm x 1.44Mm, 11.6 degree inclination. Derelict. Payload: Pioneer 1 - Infrared television camera, Geiger counter. Manufactured by Space Technology Laboratories for ABMA. The Jupiter-Able rocket was the first of what could be called a traditional two-stage rocket. Able was derived from the second stage of what would have been the Navy's Vanguard rocket. In cooperation the two branches had worked to mate Able with Jupiter. After being placed into a 100km orbit, the Able transit stage was fired and hurled Pioneer towards the Mun. The probe hibernated during transit due to its limited power supply. After crossing the sphere of influence, the last of the transit stage's fuel was depleted and the solid rockets mounted on the probe were used to circularize its orbit. After taking initial temperature readings, the IR imaging scan was operated until the power supply was exhausted. The fuzzy images it provided were the first ever glimpse of the Farside of the Mun. Launch 5: SCORE / Atlas B LV1 Mission: First communications satellite. Communication relay satellite to medium Kerbin orbit. Orbit Information: 645km x 80km, 32.3 deg inclination. Derelict. Payload: Signal Communications by Orbiting Relay Equipment - Twin antenna relays and dual tape recorders for store and forward transmission capable of messages up to four minutes long. Manufactured by the US Army SRDL for ARPA. SCORE represented the first project overseen and coordinated by the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), tasked by the President to coordinate space rocket development and space exploration between the three branches of the Armed Forces. The mission represented a collaboration of a USAF launch vehicle and a US Army payload. SCORE also accomplished the feat of orbiting a satellite that weighed 5.6 tons; dwarfing anything placed into orbit previously or even on planning board at that time. SCORE carried a message from the President that became the first transmission broadcast from space. "This is the President of the United States speaking. Through the marvels of scientific advance, my voice is coming to you from a satellite circling in outer space. My message is a simple one: Through this unique means I convey to you and to all kerbalkind, America's wish for peace on Kerbin and goodwill toward kerbals everywhere." While of limited use as a relay due to its extremely limited transmission size, SCORE would be used as a test for sending and receiving messages to the later Transit 1 and 2 satellites amongst others. The satellite operated for 212 days, at which point its primitive solar panels failed and the spacecraft's battery depleted.
  7. This is fan made in photoshop, please consider the inaccuracy of my hand and sometimes this software. Kerbin scan: This is one of the hardest to scan, due to it's cloud layers. Using science, magic and photorock scientist made it clear to view it in an infrared light. The problem with infrared light that you cannot capture it with your eye. So scientists and wizards summoned the snack monster, and for a snack they made this picture in infrared light, sadly, the sun and other stars decided to interfere into the picture without an invite: (Taken using VASA's space-probe Interscarf. Camera Infradead. Editing software: Akode Photorock.) Using the same probe, we tried to capture it ultraviolet light. Sadly radiation interfered again, and we got this interesting picture to analyze.Maybe it's because of the transmission of the previous image. We wanted to take the image using Cameron, but it had an RTG: (Taken using VASA's space probe Interscarf. Camera Ultraviolin. Editing software: Akode photorock.) A gravity scan showed this image, the image was a hard capture due to the fluctuation of the radiation due to an RTG. This is the most accurate image that we got(not faked trust us: (Taken using VASA's space probe Cameron. Camera Cryptogravity. Editing software: Nopetad.) More celestial bodies photos soon. Copyright of VASA's space program under the license kreative kommons section 4.000001
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