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Everything posted by Vostok

  1. A building doesn't have to 'magic in' gravity. You could just suspend the craft from a bungee cord that would make up the force difference, and have a reasonable approximation of gravity. Or have the whole thing at an angle, against an inclined slope, similar to the apollo lander tests. Maybe even a part that you can add to the nose of your rocket, that is a big elastic bungee (tweakable in the VAB to simulate different planets gravity) and the game calculates the force required to simulate based upon the mass of the whole craft. Then you just launch the craft and, similar to the launch stabilisers currently in game, the bungee cords extend from above the ship and simulate the gravity as you specified in the vab.
  2. For a nice easy workaround, put some takeoff sepratrons, or small rockets for the kick off the ground. Action group them, so you only use them when horizontal velocty is optimal. See: Operation Credible Sport
  3. There was one episode in my space program where one half of a duna-lander (I was building it in two halves and docking it together) broke in orbit, just after the insertion stage was jettisoned. The nuclear engine shrouds pinged off the nuke engine, breaking it off. Anyway, by sheer luck I had placed a docking port on the just-jettisoned insertion stage, so I wrestled the ship and re-docked (back to front) with the spent stage, and used the last few drops of fuel to return to Kerbin. It wasn't much, but I felt that it was like Apollo 13 or something. Failure was not an option. I suppose that was a sort of launch abort 'system'.
  4. When landing on bodies with no atmosphere, whack a maneuver node at ground level and adjust it fully retrograde until the resultant is zero at ground level. Then you can suicide burn every time, and not have to worry about fuel wastage.
  5. shame you wouldn't be conscious to enjoy the view, as the acceleration would likely deprive your head of blood and stuff...
  6. maybe hitting caps lock on EVA would disable the attitude lock, and allow you to control your kerbal just like a normal ship, without it auto-orienting to an imaginary up-down line.
  7. in addition to this, it would be nice if planets cast shadows on themselves, something that doesn't currently happen, leading to some funny lighting around the edges.
  8. Generally, in video games, fog is in fact added to ease the rendering of the world. So maybe, fog would ease off the load on the rendering. Obviously this would only look appropriate on planets like Jool, and Eve.
  9. I'd rather it showed 'killed in action'. (except for Jeb, Bob and Bill, of course. They should always be 'Missing in action'). If it showed how they died in maybe mouseover text or underneath the KIA tag, so much the better.
  10. You misunderstand what is meant by automation, here. The OP is talking about a way of giving your rocket instructions by use of a predetermined set of logic parts, assembled and organised by the player. That means the player still has to work out all the burn timings and turns and everything themselves. There is no "automation" in the mechjeb/remotech sense, because that is the computer essentially flying the ship for the player. Say you own an aeroplane, and you lend it to someone to fly it. They don't know how to fly. You can either give them carefully written instructions on how to operate the plane, or you can just put the autopilot on, and the plane can fly itself. The difference is the same. I'd be all for this as part of the stock game, it'd be a new challenge to land on the mun 'hands free' as it were.
  11. I would hazard a guess that what you found is an unused kerbal splatter decal. It looks like the sort of thing that should be applied to a spot where a kerbal dies by high speed impact, leaving a splat.
  12. different sounds for different docking ports, and the sounds could change depending on how you dock. If you sort of bodge the docking, it could make a loud scraping noise, and if you align perfectly and dock first time, it could omit the scraping, and make a delicious -ker chunk- noise.
  13. It looks like the 10 minutes of blackness is to allow the music to finish....
  14. I like the reptilian look, since I've always seen them as having a few lizardy tendencies. Looking good!
  15. I suggested this a while ago, and it would be totally useful. +1 from me, and if the developers are listening, add this!
  16. I've said this before, and it would totally be possible. The interiors are already sort of 'in place' in the flight scene, there was an old glitch that showed a sort of 'x-ray' of the capsule. This would really help immersion, especially with pods with large windows, like the cupola module.
  17. this would be nice, especially if the texture that the user drew on the chalkboard then showed up randomly on chalkboards throughout the space center. (such as the astronaut complex, the SPH and the VAB, and the Tracking station). Nothing would be cooler than to see your kerbals staring thoughtfully at a chalkboard with rude words and orbit trajectories written on it.
  18. Ten points to the person who can land it on the dirt runway on the island...
  19. There are a whole ton of things that crossfeed fuel that shouldn't. Structural Girders shouldn't crossfeed; there's no pipe in them to pump fuel. Same goes for structural girders and plates, wings, docking ports (especially docking ports, in fact - I've had several missions run where there is a docking port separating some fuel tanks, ready to separate after a burn, when it turns out that the upper stage has been totally used up because the fuel was fed out)
  20. I'd like to see the ASAS part become a differential thrust computer, allowing asymmetric engine placement without the rocket flipping out (it would adjust thrusts of individual engines)
  21. Looks great, very detailed, and in places quite creepy Pointers - on the right hand image, his boots look more like converse trainers than Moon Boots, which tend to have a sharp edge between the curved top and the flat bottom. Like so: The boots in KSP are doubtless loosely based off the boots work by the Apollo astronauts, so you could use those as a sort of reference. I love the inner helmet detailing, that looks very nice. If you wanted, you could take a few liberties, and add a boom mic in there somewhere, and stitching-seams around the gloves and uniform. (after you've added all the harness straps and tube-coupler nozzle things that they have there). This looks very promising, you obviously are very skilled in 3d modelling.
  22. I recently hired a new recruit into my space program: Hardon Kerman. I am currently weighing up ideas for my latest invention: The Large Hardon Collider.
  23. It's a replica of the Boeing 737-800. It flies, but with difficulty. Under no circumstances should you engage ASAS during takeoff. Bonus Feature: Landing! (Not covered under warranty) .Craft file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ayi61siz63aa54j/Airliner.craft
  24. I was very disappointed to see that Jeb was only half brave and half stupid. I reckoned that he should have been 100% on both.
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