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Everything posted by Vostok

  1. I always thought with their eyes and mouths that they resembled bipedal lizards.
  2. An expensive price similar to the cost of re-training them? How about an 'accelerated training' option? That would be neat. Whereby you could pay a large sum of money to have a kerbal trained fully in 1/10 of the time of normal, cheapo, budget training.
  3. They should all permanently die, it would mean that if you get someone with a cool name and good stats, you want to keep them. Except Bill, Bob and Jeb, who should just get a I, II, III, IV, etc after their names when you brutally murder them under a thousand tons of rampantly burning solid rocket motor. Maybe the numerals were a bad idea, but Bill, Jeb and Bob should definitely have some way of being able to be revived. Maybe you have a 1/1000 chance of getting them if they're not already alive?
  4. definitely enjoying this. It would be good to see what the original kerbals actually looked like...
  5. I've already tried it. I have a little green Jeb that sits in the command pod, although he's not left the ground yet. I've been escalating my rocket designs, the latest ones have been made of brazed steel tubing and homemade fuel. It's rather fun
  6. I thought about decal heat shields. You know, how flags have been made so you can import textures onto your craft? Why can players not soon add a 'black tiled' decal to the bottom of their ships in order to save on parts and look cooler? It would work nicer for spaceplanes, too, as there wouldn't be large awkward areas to cover with a premade heat shield.
  7. I was personally shocked when I discovered that Jeb's crewmember statistics were Courage: 50% and Stupidity: 50%. I thought that he would have both Courange and Stupidity all the way up to 100%. Squad, fix this please!
  8. I don't think that the kerbal model is available anywhere in the game files, however if you go and check somewhere in the Fan Works subforum, someone made a close approximation of the kerbal model and I believe they put the download link somewhere. That was made with Apoxie sculpt, then painted white with acrylic paint.
  9. If by centre of thrust you mean the line of action of the thrust, then surely it makes no difference where the rockets are placed? I didn't think that thrust had a centre point as you refer to, rather a line of action which should pass through the centre of mass.
  10. If I might link you here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pendulum_rocket_fallacy A rocket hovering will need thrust vectoring to keep itself pointed upwards. It will never 'balance' on its own due to the fact that the rocket thrust is relative to the rocket itself, rather than a fixed point in space. EDIT: Oh fiddlesticks, I got Ninja'd!
  11. Nope, I worked from pictures of the kerbals in EVA. I still need to find something for a proper helmet base, since it still has that top of a wine bottle there
  12. I made a kerbal a while back... It was a hand sculpt though, and took ages I considered a 3D print, but they're too expensive for me.
  13. It seems you spotted the new (really new) merch from the KSP folks before they announced it. Nice one!
  14. I like it although I'm not getting a sense of scale from it. I don't, however, know how that could be achieved. Good work!
  15. I still do the whole 'burn at moonrise' since I learned to fly ships way before even patched conics was added. I do find, however, that maneuver nodes are useful for landing on planets with no atmosphere. You place a maneuver node where the orbit hits the ground, then just tweak retrograde until the resultant velocity is 0. Perfect landing
  16. It makes me want to watercolour all the things
  17. I don't mind killing kerbals. I try not to leave them behind though. The only kerbal I try not to kill is Jeb. and I CERTAINLY don't leave Jeb behind. I spent the night before last rescuing him from duna, and it was a complete fiasco. But he got home in the end. (in spite of engines breaking on landing, dodgy rewiring, only-just-made orbits and several backup missions)
  18. Dealing with debris is too tame for any self-respecting Kerbal. If you crash into it, it's your own fault. (Besides, with tracking station filtering coming soon, you can just afford to forget about it!)
  19. I'm launching my newest model soon. I might post updates here if people would like. I'm launching homemade rockets with homemade rocket fuel engines. Since I can't be bothered doing the necessary calculations, they usually explode or burn or do nothing at all. Currently I'm refurbishing the last one, which only burned half its fuel, and then stopped, due to a bad lot of fuel I cooked. Here are the first two launches: EDIT: Launch #4 Scheduled for tomorrow.
  20. I'd say the most difficult is where your two ships are in opposite orbits. You've gotta get it right first time, see?
  21. Here's one of mine from a while back... It survives in terms of a video.
  22. I'm inclined to agree with Mr. Holo here, they're intriguing in an unusual way. I think it's partly to do with how I've not seen things like them before. There's a certain artistic purity to the 17x9 layout, which I find adds to the minimalistic effect of the size of the image. I also enjoy the way in which they're not enlarged, which gives them the same sort of appeal a ship in a bottle might have. Furthermore, the attitude of the aformentioned Mr. Holo appears to be one of intrigue in these flags, with an ignorance of reason, something that is quite unusual, yet also beneficial I find.
  23. Awesome work! only thing is its pupils are incredibly large... It looks as though it's been on some illegal substance Compare to the ingame models
  24. If the Kerbals were acting as though there were controlled by us as players? Humanity wouldn't stand a chance.
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