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  1. This looks awesome! I do have a question though, how taxing is this mod on your RAM? I use a small laptop that can barely run KSP but I really want to use this mod!
  2. Sorry for late reply; I was in class but I found out the root of it by digging in my AVP folder and removing different files and testing if they work, eventually it appears that it was the OPM (I don't use OPM) configs making the clouds disappear. Thank you for the help anyways and sorry if I wasted your time, I was sleeping and in class.
  3. Sorry if I sound a little dumb but, may I ask how to add visual mods like AVP to mods like this? I tried downloading AVP with this mod installed but all it did was remove all clouds in both systems, I installed AVP with CKAN and manually and they gave the same results. I used the most recent version of AVP and it didn't work, I am still kinda new to planet mods and I really want to add AVP to it.
  4. Is this mod compatible with AVP or any other visual packs other than EVE?
  5. When I open up the game it always says that it cant load the custom planetary system and I don't know how to fix it, please help
  6. Sorry for late reply, I had school work to do. I figured it out, it was my Kopernicus messing with my solar panels. Thanks for the help anyways!
  7. Can't gain electric charge or open/close solar panels? I just installed a few mods (mainly graphic ones) and when I installed KER and Kerbal alarm clock all the solar panels that can retract or open would always just open when I would spawn them in the VAB or spaceplane hanger. Also my already existing crafts' solar panels would not retract and not produce power, anyone know how to fix this? is it the mod or is this like some kind of thing I accidentally toggled?
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