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  1. Hello, is the bundled textures unlimited mod compatible with Deferred rendering mod? thank you
  2. You're welcome, as someone suggested, you can use P.E.A.R which does almost the same thing. If not... Don't forget to extend your Kerbol Panels!
  3. Just a quick try, if it doesn't work, install again. Uninstall all y'all. Lot of lag, gamebreaker.
  4. It only happened when i had the SRBs enabled. When i decouple them, i don't feel any bug at all. The mod has to be interacting with SRBs, i will not use it cause as u said, is game-breaker, despite being usefull
  5. Some SRB engines doesn't create smoke at all, am i the only?
  6. Hey @Orbital_phoenix when i load a part in the editor, it's showing as default as **Not Found** texture, is there any way to default enable your textures (the second vartiation which can add more customization)
  7. How to automatically transfer data from science instruments to pod (or any place where is enough space to save them)?
  8. Well, idk if its possible in stock game, but U can try to edit the cfg file for that engine, first make a copy for the file its jetEngineAfterburning.cfg, delete PREFAB_PARTICLE { prefabName = fx_smokeTrail_light transformName = smokePoint emission = 0.0 0.0 emission = 0.05 0.0 emission = 0.075 0.25 emission = 1.0 1.25 speed = 0.0 0.25 speed = 1.0 1.0 localOffset = 0, 0, 1 localRotation = 1, 0, 0, -90 } on running_dry and running_wet if it's not working, revert changes. If it's not working, maybe you can try smokescreen and set the number of particles to 0.
  9. Post a picture and more info, what engines are you using?
  10. After installing this mod, i have stuttering for 2-3 seconds (game freezes). As long as i stage the SRB's, stturering goes away. I've been searching for 3 days cause i got many mods, do i really don't know if its incompatibility with any other mod. I didn't try on a fresh install
  11. Do you know how to use a science mode for kerbalism 3.19?
  12. Hello, im having a problem with engine shrouds, in concrete the Swivel. When i select the boss ross or the "it's shiny" option, i can't change it's colour, the engine is also dull. Do you know whats happening? Thank you NVM it was the texture unlimited bundled dependency, fixed
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