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  1. Hey Everyone! I was asked to make a music track by @Frix15 using AI about a Kerbal lost in space. I did ask it to do it in a Mexican style. For some reason AI chose a Irish voice but I think the end result is pretty cool. Hope you enjoy
  2. That's a very impressive build! It's HUGE! Great work
  3. Hi, I would be very interested in the mods you used for KSP1. Never done modding before
  4. I made a montage of my best builds and remixed Spice Girls Goodbye
  5. Oops lol Well when you're ready and fancy a game I'm always up for that. Let's get @Audaylon in here too
  6. @Heretic391 Apparently I have that game in my library. I don't remember ever buying it lol Wondering if you are on discord. Could set something up with some of the guys here for multiplayer battles if you ever fancy it or anyone else that's interested
  7. Hey guys! Just read your post @Heretic391 on YouTube. I really hope so bud. That would be really cool and perhaps a plane battle Might have to be Kithack model club at this rate though for our online battles. With 70 people made redundant ,not looking good
  8. I doubt we can reach your altitude so probably a good tactic Dropping bombs from that height would be cool though especially if we have some kind of constructed base
  9. Oh yes Top of page 3 here in the spacecraft exchange. Might give it a new paint job for the battle ahead and see if I can squeeze in some more missiles
  10. I think you did well with what's available. Can't wait for multiplayer. Got started on my mario kart going for the same part count as yours for fairness
  11. Superb screen shots there buddy! Got to say really impressed with the design Will definitely be downloading this
  12. Thanks! This is exactly how I feel about it too and like you said, a fairly easy implementation with little dev time. Such a simple idea would allow some really crazy out of the box creations.
  13. Yeah, I get what your saying. Think though it would appeal to a wider audience if you could build more wacky builds that all. I didn't know about possible rotating station parts. Could be interesting
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