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Everything posted by Sade

  1. @LittleBitMore for what it's worth, I agree with your OP, and I thank you for the initiative.
  2. I'm ready to receive those 0.2.2 fixes. So thanks for waiting for me, but you can release it now.
  3. Hmm, strange, let me verify [edit] so I checked, and I can confirm, everything works as it should. I'm sorry for the distraction, dunno what I did wrong when I was checking the behavior.
  4. Awesome stuff guys, I can imaging that these "cosmetic" (pun intended) changes can take much more effort than is shown on the surface, and clickthrough blocker, very nice indeed.
  5. I'm guessing they are talking about DAD: Which if true, the manual is in the opening post, inside a "reveal" box.
  6. Very nice update, this small group of modders is showing this game some true luv. One small remark: The arrow buttons are rather small, if they could be slightly wider that would be nice. They work very well tho. Now, in the light of constructive criticism, do not feel obliged to consider this. But, when I have FP, MNC, K2D2, and ME open, they are fighting a bit for screen space real-estate, so condensing them slightly does help. In that respect I have two propositions: There are twice 3 lines in MNC that can be combined into one with only a modest amount of squeezing, I've mocked-up a little example (see below). The lines are the Prograde, Normal and Radial values and controls. Putting the current set value (top 3 lines) in the middle of the controls (2nd 3 lines) is kind of natural. You can even make the value editable such that you don't need the Abs button anymore. I know I cheated a bit, cause the value currently has the short 0.00 m/s string which does need more space for larger dVs, so the <, << buttons may need a little shrinking. The bottom information, "Previous Orbit" and "Next Orbit" can be a fold-out panel, such that one can open it when required.
  7. Sade


    The issue is the bug in KSP2, I would not like automated gear extension, k2d2, doesn't know about all the possible wild crafts that can be made, who knows where there will be landing gear in the vehicle. Give the user some responsibility to extend the gear. When the bug is solved upstream, the issue will go away.
  8. It's not a maybe, they said the want this. The reason they gave for postponing is that they want to have some sort of visualization to with it to inform the gamer. It is this visualization that needs more time. That said, most KSP2 players today are pretty hardcore, so an option could be to just activate the occlusion and develop the visualization later. (Don't know if you are aware, but your comments read quite salty and grumpy, a bit infantile, I'm assuming that this is just my interpretation)
  9. Can't wait for tuesday, that's at least 6 items crossed from the list!
  10. I have the same issue, I've also tilted my wheel slightly, but I don't have the impression that this was the issue. The rover was driving fine for 5-ish km and then got stuck. I've tried many different routes and every time I get stuck somewhere. It feels like it is an issue with the terrain more than the rover, as when I try to continue on foot, the kerbal gets stuck too sometimes, like it is floating above the terrain.
  11. Sade


    Is there some reasoning behind k2d2 switching to "stabalize" sas mode, instead of "manouver" sas mode, when it starts the burn? should I leave on stabalize? if I have a slightly asymmetric ship, the manouver sas seems to be more stable (pun intended).
  12. Yes, I would like this. Related, I don't think the 2x is useful, going from 1x to 4x to 10x is granular enough. There are two near log sequences I like to use in some of my code: 1,3,10,30,100,... 1,2,5,10,20,50,100,... these sequences give a good feel, as they are close to log, but still have human readable numbers. Note, how the 2nd is used for Euro currency for the same reason.
  13. yes, I have the same issue. I have the feeling that maybe the game should clean up old saves, a bit like BG3 does it, where you set the total number of quicksaves and the total number of autosaves. If the player wants to keep a moment, they can always do a manual save.
  14. I'm trying out this mod, and it seems that something goes wrong when burning under timewarp. At least for the X4 NHT that I'm using. When I increase the timewarp, the dv keeps decreasing at 1x rate and the acceleration is in line with the 1x time rate while the vehicle is moving faster. steps to reproduce: put a probe with X4NHT in orbit use FP to change the inclination, e.g. by 10deg execute the burn using K2D2 change timewarp during the burn notice how the inclination keeps turning at 1x rate As you can see, I'm a happy user of some of your other work, and the suite of mods that communicate like a bliss. I'm not sure if the issue is in those mods or with your engine(s).
  15. Sade


    just want to add some luv for this mod, TY
  16. Had this one too, it feels like the timewarp integer does not increment or decrement consistently when using the keyboard. Another fix I noticed is to change timewarp using the mouse once.
  17. Can't wait for 0.2.1, I had fun with 0.2.0 but now the bugs have gotten too frustrating.
  18. Feature request: I know there are already a lot of buttons, but can we get a 10x and a 0.1x button to quickly modify both the precise and the course correction dv's? In more detail: When searching for an intercept, the default 5 and 25 dv amounts are fine, but when hunting for the perfect periapsis to capture having 0.05 and 0.25 works really well. With just two more buttons we can quickly switch between the two cases by just multiplying both by 0.1x two times and then by 10x two times to go back. BTW, I'm totally addicted to this mod, can't imagine going back to dragging the gadget controls.
  19. Similar for Dress, also at 25km. Maybe not a bug, but it feels too low.
  20. Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: W11 | CPU: 5600X | GPU: 7900XTX | RAM: 32Gb Issue: Switching from the map view to the flight view and back resets the map view camera position. This is made even more annoying because it is zoomed completely in. This causes excessive mouse wheel scrolling to zoom back out to see the maneuver node. Included Attachments: .ipsImage { width: 900px !important; }
  21. Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: W11 | CPU: 5600X | GPU: 7900XTX | RAM: 32Gb Issue: When observing the south pole of a CB the camera tends to move very slowly, and when observing the north pole of a CB the camera moves ridiculously fast. The behavior happens both on map view and in the tracking station. Included Attachments: .ipsImage { width: 900px !important; }
  22. Quick questions: what does the course correction button do? what is the distance parameter? what does the time parameter do for the intercept button?
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