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Drago Kerman

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  • About me
    I have no clue what im doing
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    Hello, im just some autist who plays KSP trailing and erroring until something good happens.
  1. That saves me so much time and effort, thanks Josue and KingNoob! Edit: I might still continue my own version just as a learning experience.
  2. Is there a way to make bombs not just explode in the sky? Because i'm trying to fix NKDR to work with BDA+, but the one im working on seems to just randomly explode in the sky after a few seconds of falling. Heres the missile launcher module im using (sorry for the mess, im not the expert programmer.) MODULE { name = MissileLauncher shortName = B83 NUCLEAR guidanceActive = false targetingType = none homingType = none explModelPath = BDArmory/Models/explosion/explosionLarge explSoundPath = BDArmory/Sounds/explode1 useSimpleDrag = true simpleCoD = 0,0,-2 simpleStableTorque = 5 rndAngVel = 2 liftArea = 0 missileType = bomb homingType = none engageAir = false engageMissile = false engageGround = true engageSLW = false }
  3. Same issue here, but im using BDA+ in 1.12.5, doesnt work in 1.11 either.
  4. Upgraded my RAM, for two reasons, to play KSP2 (which i regret tbh), and to play this mod without lagging (which i dont regret).
  5. Its hard to explain how awesome this mod is, although it does basically murder my RAM. Worth it tho.
  6. Nvm, i dont think that this mod is to blame, as i had many more issues after i uninstalled it and validated my files.
  7. I had this mod working for a while, uninstalled it, reinstalled it, now it makes B9partswitch bombard me with errors.
  8. I feel this this makes ksp look better. But restock gives it a completely new look, that also fits lots of other stockalike part mods (although that art style is really inconsitant). So if youre just looking to make vanilla ksp look just a tad nicer, then this mod is for you, if you like nerteas mods, or just stockalike in general, get restock.
  9. Never mind, the game just takes about 1 hour to load. (Atleast it loads)
  10. Whenever I start the game, its loads just fine but stops on "Expansion loading complete!" And I I've encountered this issue before on an unmodded install, and on console. But according to the logs, the game fully loads without a hitch: log
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