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Everything posted by kilonenenumber1

  1. while i was playing it all went good but after a few flights, the game starts saying that i was not starting at the ksc runway wich is strange becouse i can load the passangers. any suggestions?
  2. i tweaked graphics in my game and now it uses so much ram that it crashes, its so bad that the computer tryes to close every window, also i have 16 gigs of ram and i think the only way is to lower resolution but it crashes before i can change it so, how do i lower my resolution before lunching the game. Also i use epic games
  3. i tweaked graphics in my game and now it uses so much ram that it crashes, its so bad that the computer tryes to close every window, also i have 16 gigs of ram and i think the only way is to lower resolution but it crashes before i can change it so, how do i lower my resolution before lunching the game. Also i use epic games
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