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burn n crash

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Everything posted by burn n crash

  1. NEW RULE: rules made prior to a new member joining do not apply to said member until the rules are repeated.
  2. Fundense something fun that floats
  3. It did! Thank you all for the help.
  4. Thank you! let's hope this does it.
  5. I don't know very much about this topic, but is there any viability in boosting it to a higher orbit to become a space museum in the future, similar to how many retired ships are converted into museums?
  6. Nope, I still don't see the option for a poll. Also, it still shows that my content needs to be moderator approved despite having more than 5 approved posts. If it's relevant, I should probably mention that I'm using chrome os.
  7. Granted, you now have an unlimited supply of thyme. I wish my backpack was lighter.
  8. I don't see this anywhere when I make a thread. Is this locked for new users until after the 5-post period?
  9. I've been playing KSP 1 since 2016, and love everything space-related. I hope to be an active contributor in the future. See you around!
  10. I just joined the forums and don't know how to make a poll. I would also appreciate any tips about posting in the forums. Thanks!
  11. Because they ordered it. Waiter! Why is there an early access sequel in my soup?
  12. When you are on a space game internet forum.
  13. Granted, but as they finish it, aliens destroy the pyramid. I wish Jeb had spiky anime hair
  14. I think the 3.75m reaction wheels should be renamed to control moment gyros. Reaction wheels and control moment gyros are different things, and the 3.75m "reaction wheels" are clearly shown, both in the in-game model and the description, to be control moment gyros.
  15. I've always been partial to the Kodiak. I only wish it was made more clear that it lacked gimbal and that it was meant to be used with the Cub.
  16. Two questions: How will you ensure that a station orbiting around Rask or Rusk will stay in an orbit, and not get flung out of the system or into the planet's surface? Has the science system changed significantly since KSP 1?
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