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Everything posted by CashnipLeaf

  1. I have been strongly considering some flavor of integration with EVE. However, I might implement it such that the effects lead gameplay, rather than the other way around. (that is to say, EVE could supply wind data based on the effects). Also, I don't want EVE to be the only mod that can interact with this thing. However, this is all stuff for the future. I will talk to blaccracc when the time comes. I've been working on this steaming pile of code for a while now (I actually started a few weeks before I posted this thread. This is an idea that has been living rent-free in my brain for some time now). I should be coming out with an alpha release Soon™. :3
  2. Yeah, I recall there's mods like Kerbal Wind and Kerbal Weather Project, tho it seems like both only apply to Kerbin. The former seems to have a more randomized wind direction/speed and the latter has what amounts to a (very impressive, btw) climate simulation. I feel like what I want falls somewhere in between those two: something where wind patterns can be clearly and distinctly defined for any atmospheric body, while being more approachable than effectively simulating that body's climate. I'm scoping out what kinds of features I want in this plugin. Someone I talked with on discord suggested being able to use flowmaps to define prevailing winds, which I will definitely look into. If you (or anyone else reading this thread) have suggestions of your own, I'd like to hear them. :3
  3. It should be compatible with more or less any planet mod as long as you don't use homeswitch (particularly with planet mods that modify or replace the stock kerbol system)
  4. I've been pondering over the various wind-related mods in KSP, and none of them really have what I've wanted. Namely, I wanted the ability to define (read: configure through .cfg files) wind patterns for any celestial body (and not in a randomized fashion, it would be based on lon/lat and maybe altitude). So, I'm contemplating writing my own plugin to fill the need I created for myself, and I wanted to gauge interest in a mod like this.
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