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  1. It worked just fine! Thank you very much.
  2. Hello, I'm having problems also with whitelisting parts. What do you mean with moddifying the config files, how do you do it?
  3. Ok, no problem for the engine plumes, no big deal. But in my oppinion the normal Waterfall RCS effect looks more realistic (and way cooler) than the Restock one, and I was wondering if eliminating some file would revert it from Restock Waterfall to Stock Waterfall effect. Cheers.
  4. Hello. I was wondering if it was possible to reemplace the Restock Waterfall RCS effect with the normal Waterfall RCS effect. Also I wonder if it is possible to eliminate the smoke plume from the liquid engines that appear in Restock Waterfall but not in normal Waterfall. Thank you.
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