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    try filming with games I hav
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    somewhere by Pacific
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    Sandbox & Konstruction.
    self-made series "Close Encounters of Valentina"

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  1. planning what will be the next update in my train mod.
  2. i think you should distinguish different functions. some pack have MU (building models); and some pack just position setting in NewInstances.
  3. just let you know, in some specific situations.. you can use MapDecal to dig a tunnel in this game.
  4. UPDATE: - fix Dessert Strait (IB dessert)'s groupcenter and terrain MapDecal - added Kerbin City inter overpass (route36 S) it was designed with the restored version K.C ! if you want the city, check this: Known mistakes: - still don't have fillers to connect route36 and ground of KSC, need manual place them. - lights and decorations may become performance killer, in this case - delete 36art_instances.cfg - every work was in "Default" terrain settings, if you using High / Ultra / Parallax may have some roadblock (image by @Overlocker96)
  5. if needed, here is a fix of parts not-load, such as NKD and some other missile mod.
  6. solved, it was not BDA or NKD issues- at that time, I installed SimpleRepaint too. anyway, solution: open GameData\SimpleRepaint\GreyList.cfg then add these @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[MissileLauncher]:HAS[#missileType[missile]]]:BEFORE[zzzzzzSimpleRepaint] { %SR_Ignore = true %SR_UsePartVariant = #$@SIMPLE_REPAINT_SETTINGS/UseStockVariantSwitcherForB9PSIncompatibleParts$ } @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleWeapon]:HAS[#weaponType[cannon]]]:BEFORE[zzzzzzSimpleRepaint] { %SR_Ignore = true %SR_UsePartVariant = #$@SIMPLE_REPAINT_SETTINGS/UseStockVariantSwitcherForB9PSIncompatibleParts$ } save it and reboot the game.
  7. Hey man, I have PROBLEM. I was using 0.0.16 with BDA+ 1.6.8, and as you saw- in this video, Nuclear Valentina was working. BUT after I update 0.1.0 and BDA inside, I got error said: losing part "harpAtomAnnie" some other too... and I checked KSP.log - game read but some how can't load it. I already move back files-before-update, and didn't work. I'm working on a Cinematic, I REALLY NEED THIS GUN. HELP, PLEASE. PS. B9 Part Switch = 2.20.0 Module Manager = 4.2.3
  8. I found out, if enable shield in the atmosphere, whatever it was Semi or Solid then all the thrust will be block and the craft into gliding; is this normal ? could I change it anyway ? (btw the plane is 1100m wide, and I edited model = ImpulseParty/Parts/Things/shield-DomeAesthetic to 25)
  9. you will need Kerbin Side Remastered, Ordinary Konstruction and my edited statics; with Kerbal Highways(mine KK instances CFGs) if all work, you will get: Dessert Strait, Route36 and South Gulf Connexion(part of Route 24)
  10. Testing local mod. (the F9 is almost stock, and this rail is heading to a kerbal-konstructed base)
  11. hello all ! maybe weeks ago some of you saw we create a longer track in game: Nowadays, we try design rail stations - BUT WE NEED HELP we saw some mods using AnimateOnClick, so we try to change tracks with it; seems like all buttons, animations and colliders work normal. But like what happen in the video, there dont have HighlightOnHover at all. for this station, this is our code: we have more complex station WIP, we really need to that Green. Closed Beta now, but will send MU and texture if need ~ Thanks
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