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Parts & Vessels "Part Ineffective" spam for solar panels
RalphKerman replied to qwery123's topic in v0.2.0
I have had this issue from the very beginning of KSP 2. Please consider an option to turn off these warnings (maybe make them part of the "new player experience" so you don't even have to implement a new option switch ?). But for anyone who has played the game for a little while and has learnt that solar panels won't produce EC in the dark this message spam becomes very annoying and distracting. The same should apply to any kind of message that state obvious things, please make these messages optional with some sort of configuration option to turn them off entirely (or maybe a kind of "message level" option with "all" / "verbose", "critical only" and "none" as values?). Or (the deluxe version) make it an attribute of parts (with default = "off"!) so you can configure a part to show more messages if you think this part is vital and needs to be monitored (but this solution exceeds what KSP 1 had so I consider it a non-priority and deluxe version into which I would not put too much development time) you can switch it on and only for this part you will get a message. -
For Science! - My Thoughts (And Yours Too!)
RalphKerman replied to Scarecrow71's topic in KSP2 Discussion
I only had a little time late yesterday evening to test the new update but I have a good feeling so far. I started a new Exploration mode save and went through half the T1 tech tree in a few launches. Performance was much improved compared to earlier versions (I did not play much since 0.1.5 where it was already improved) and my old (but for the time of purchase very very powerful) system of 2 x 1080s, 32 GB RAM and an i7-6700K (all bought in 2016) is now running the game very well and I enjoy it. So far I did not encounter any game breaking bugs, sure it's rough around the edges and from reading the bug report forum I guess I will run into some stuff along the way but the game is playable and fun and that is what counts for me. And finally there is a gameplay loop, an incentive to play. Sandbox is not providing long-term motivation for me, Explorarion mode is! The QoL improvements are great, having a TWR and Delta-V readout for each stage in the VAB is essential to building vehicles and I am really happy that it is now implemented. My 2 main items on the "wish list" are still: A UI-Redesign. The text font, layout style, readability and "waste of screen space" are still issues for me and I think with more and more complexity being added and more information needs to be made available to the player the whole UI needs a redesign to be more compact. This is a long-term wish and I am sure there will be improvements over time. More control over the message pop-ups. Please add some switch in the options page to turn off the pop-ups for stuff like "Your solar panels are not producing any EC" and similar re-occuring messages. Overall, the "For Science!" update is a huge step in the right direction. I for sure am glad I stuck with the game and did not refund it after the initial launch disappointment. -
UI/UX Camera resets position every time you enter and exit map view
RalphKerman replied to MechBFP's question in UI & UX
I do not get this bug anymore in 0.1.5 Tried a simple craft and launched it, I zoomed a little out and turned the camera about 30 degrees in each direction so I looked from a little above the vehicle down to the surface. I entered the map multiple times and switched back (always using keyboard "M") and also did stuff on the map like rotating, creating a node etc. When I switched back to the vehicle the camera was exactly where it was before I entered the map mode. So in this scenario it appears to be fixed completely but I read in the K.E.R.B. topic that they wrote that some refactoring is needed to fix it fully. -
Release KSP2 Release Notes - Update v0.1.5.0
RalphKerman replied to Intercept Games's topic in KSP2 Dev Updates
Thanks for the update! I have been very critical and frustrated in some of my posts so I guess I have to throw something into the other side of that scale now, too. I am very pleased by the improvements of the 0.1.5 patch, on my old rig (2 x 1080s, 32 GB RAM, I7-6700K) the performance is really nice now. Having done some simple missions (like landing on the Mun and driving a small rover there) I have not had any Kraken attack or RuD or anything that just blew up my craft for no reason. That's nice! And the bug that drove me crazy (camera position reset after going to map and back) has been fixed to an extend where I did not have it happen yet at all (I read in the patch notes that some camera refactor is needed to fully fix it but I have not encountered it yet in this release). Really enojying the game right now and eagerly awaiting the "For Science!" update. -
I am not sure how to interpret the tech tree screenshot. The top row has "Mun Landing" as an 80 point "technology" in it, but you don't "buy" a Mun Landing, you achieve it via the technology you have bought and resarched in the other parts of the tree. So why would it "cost" 80 points to unlock? Or is that a description of technology you absolutely need to be able to land on the Mun and that technology costs 80 points? And there appear to be 4 pages of tech tree for now (guessing by the 4 numbers on top and the scrollbar in the bottom).
Wow, this is crazy. It took my system (installed on a pretty fast M.2 SSD) about 5 seconds to load and display the registry node (and I hardly play KSP 2 ever). I had so many entries that I was wondering how my system still works.... Please fix this. The registry is a crucial part of the operating system and seeing it being (ab)used to store masses of not needed data is "concerning" (the only word I can think of that does not get me banned here instantly....). I will not touch this game anymore until this is confirmed to be fixed. Thank you so much, @Anth12 for finding and reporting this bug!
Reported Version: v0.1.4 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Win 10 | CPU: Intel Core i7-6700K | GPU: 2 x NVIDIA 1080 | RAM: 32 GB All new campaign file, started fresh from scratch after today's patch. When I revert to launch this simple craft (parachute, MK 1 capsule, decoupler, fuel tank, swivel engine, decoupler, solid booster) the decoupler fairing shrouding my swivel engine is rendered as if it were broken into pieces (see screenshot). It works fine, just a graphical bug. Reproducible: Yes, tried it multiple times, every time after "revert to launch" it looked shattered into pieces. Included Attachments:
UI/UX Camera resets position every time you enter and exit map view
RalphKerman replied to MechBFP's question in UI & UX
Yes, it does no longer flip around 180 degrees but it resets the translation values to 0 every time you return from map view. So you are looking at your craft exactly from the default position and any camera translation you did before entering map view is reset. Not as annoying as the original bug but very disappointing that this slipped through considering how often you go to the map view and back. -
Reported Version: v0.1.4 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Win 10 | CPU: Intel Core i7-6700K | GPU: 2 x NVIDIA 1080 | RAM: 32 GB New campaign started after the patch, deleted everything and started from scratch. Symptom: In the Resource Manager window for all resources (fuel, oxidizer, EC, MP etc.) you can only see a "fuel ..." / max number instead of the actual current value. The "vessel resource" window and the stages show correct values. Reproducible: Yes Just build any craft with any component that has resources and open the Resource Manager Window. Screenshot attached: Red Arrows = wrong display, Black Arrows = correct values Included Attachments:
I think the "funny" messages that pop up when failing a mission were created with a new and fresh audience in mind (for whom maybe the tutorials were also made in this very comical-like style). Personally it does not really bother me what kind of message pops up when a craft is destroyed and you are about to hit the "revert to ...." button for the 100th time to tweak something to make your craft work. KSP (1 and 2) can be played in a "serious" way with real goals of orbital flight in mind and with the intention to learn new stuff, experiment and get enjoyment from that or just in a totally over-the-top crazy silly way by making any sort of ridiculous contraption and get enjoyment from that. So I don't mind what message pops up (no one reads them anyway after the 10th time....). It's all in the player's head and his/her imagination how "serious" this current situation is. Unrealistic scenarios (as mentioned by PDCWolf a few posts up)? I don't care either. I like the "freedom" to do that kind of stuff. If I want to dive more or less straight down from the Mun to Kerbin, why not? Orbiting the sun in a craft with windows, yeah, why not, if I want my craft to have windows? That's just freedom and nobody "has to do" these kind of things, you can work out a smooth re-entry curve, build an (imaginary) fully-shielded craft to orbit the sun, whatever makes the player happy. And the "seriousness" can be added via mods. I guess no one who plays KSP 1 with all the RSS/RP-1 stuff (and whatever all those realism mods are called) is complaining that the game does not take things serious. There will hopefully be a time when KSP 2 reaches that state where all those mods become available and then the quesion is a non-issue anyway. But for now the level of "seriousness" does not really matter and if the light-hearted tone it uses right now helps attracting a few new players, all the better (unfortunately new players will leave the game at the current level of quality very quickly). What I really DON'T LIKE however: Ingame over-sized messages that state VERY obvious facts and can't be switched off yet (without mods). I don't want to be notified EVERY TIME that my solar panels don't produce any EC because I enter the shadow of a planet or any time I do EVA I don't need a message pop-up to tell me that my craft is no longer controlable. I really hope they will implement a switch for all these notifications to turn them off or only keep them enabled if "new player experiecne" is chosen.
Bug Status [8/11]
RalphKerman replied to Intercept Games's topic in KSP2 Suggestions and Development Discussion
It is tragic that such a question is a serious one nowadays..... I wanted to laugh hard when I read it but then I remembered my first 10 minutes with the last update...... My 2nd keystroke after building a one-part rocket (just a capsule and then hop to launch pad to just check that nothing is fundamentally broken or crashes): "M" to look at the map for fun and then "M" again to return from it made my camera position being off by 180 degrees in the middle of the launch tower..... the infamous "camera position bug" (which you claim is fixed in the update, well my 1st and 2nd keystroke in the next update will tell me that ......). That was minute 1 and 2 of patch 3...The rest of the 10 minutes I built a dummy craft (from the bookt "Rockets for Dummies".....), sent it to beyond the atmosphere, let it re-enter and discovered that capsules had zero drag, did even accelerte in the atmosphere and were magically catapulted back to space shortly before smashing into the ground...... So these 10 minutes showed 2 serious (one game-breaking) bugs that ANY QA play session should have been able to detect with a probability of 100%, it is to this day completely beyond me how these bugs made it into patch 3..... So coming back to Kerbart's (rethorical ?!) question: My faith in the QA process is shattered. I am still very hopeful that many bugs are fixed but I am very worried that new (and old) bugs will emerge and we enter a new cycle of numerous bugs being reported by the community and that "after the patch is just before the next hotfix because something is horribly broken". And I really really hope the team understands that this upcoming update is (imo) one of the last chances to salvage the game. Please show that the long time you had since the last patch has been used to produce a product with a clear step forward, stay true to your statements above ("Fix implemented and verified" means it WILL work for all of us once the update is installed!) and please double-, tripple- or whatever-many-times- check that the announced fixes are working properly. Credibility is what the community now needs to experience. Please show us that QA works and developments are going into the right direction by providing a significant and functional update to the game! (not PR blah blah or tweets that announce an announcement of a preview of some basic feature "soon"....) If that next patch delivers on multiple fronts and the announced fixes are really in the game and work I am sure we will have (some) faith in the future of KSP 2 development restored. -
I am not sure the numbers are correctly representing the player count. Most experienced KSP 1 enthusiasts do not start the game from within the steam launcher I would bet. Making several different installations of the game with a variety of mods and starting the game directly from each different location without the steam client running (and therefore the ability to track player count if I am not mistaken) will be the preferred choice of launching the game for many players. The loyal player base who invest so much time and energy into playing KSP 1 modded is certain to stick around for a while waiting for KSP 2 becoming more viable to play. At the start of KSP 2 I (and I guess many other players, too) switched to it, tried it, saw it was "in need of improvement" and let it sit on the side and switched back to modded KSP 1. And with the state of KSP 2 and the long road ahead that will be needed to make the game "good" I guess even more players looked into modding KSP 1 and as stated above switched from launching it via Steam to separate installations thus "lowering" the player count through Steam. So I would no rely on any player count derived from steamdb in order to judge how KSP 1 is doing. And, @VlonaldKerman is right, KSP 1 is in a wonderful state, the modding options are endless and will carry the game for a long while and still providing new challenges and fun.
I have searched this forum and not found a topic about this, I apologize if I missed the relevant posting (I can't imagine that I am the only player who noticed that). Question: What can be done about the frequent notifications (e.g. when the solar panels of your craft stop producing electricity because you enter the dark side of the planet)? These notifications should be (imo) only part of the "new player experience" or be configurable. I am pretty sure that after a while of playing we know that solar panels do not produce EC when in the dark. Having a window pop up every time (and in such large size) is very distracting and very annoying. Suggestion: Some kind of option to disable certain or all notifications for more experienced players. Thanks!
Stages should show TWR in VAB
RalphKerman replied to MechBFP's topic in KSP2 Suggestions and Development Discussion
It was there in the UI for KSP 1 but if I remember correctly not from the beginning. I hope the interface will evolve a lot for KSP 2 as well. It certainly needs to in order to accomodate all the new stuff that comes with science, you need many more elements and a bunch of stuff will need to be added for that part of the game. Maybe around that time they can add this (crucial) information to the Engi. Report window as well and to the individual stages (again, devs, please look at the KSP 1 interface and steal ahm ... "borrow" as much as you can from there. It is excellent!).