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Infinite Aerospace

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    United Kingdom
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    Rockets, ships (submarines in particular), machines in general

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  1. Looks epic, great to see this getting updated. It's a wicked little mod, though, is it actually possible to land on Cind? It looks mind bogglingly close to Kerbol.
  2. I'd be curious to know what that person is alluding too as well, MKS and it's support mods are just about the most comprehensive attempt at colonisation in Kerbal Space Program.
  3. Great to hear that! Beyond Home is still one of the best all round planet packs, a general update will put it back where it belongs.
  4. Sure, change the semimajoraxis in the configs, that's the average orbital distance from the parent body. More or less *all* planet packs are, provided they're not system replacers like Beyond Home.
  5. Good things come to those who wait. With regards to the volcanic plume transparency issues, I'd honestly consider pinging Blackrack over on his Patreon, if there's anyone that might have a solution it's the dude who made the volumetric system. Good luck brave Kerbal!
  6. I don't think there is a parallax patch, it's just part of the overall GameData folder stored in the zip. Just drag and drop that whole thing into the KSP folder.
  7. So, I updated this and the clouds look a lot more consistent in general. There is however a new issue with the volcanic plume (which is essentially a geyser?), it's now the exact opposite of how it was. Instead of being translucent at certain points, it's now overlays all of the clouds that *should* be in the foreground. So in essence the rest of the clouds have inherited the translucence trait instead of the reverse. Performance seems a lot better across the board in all parts of the ascent/descent. Plus the Parallax implementation on the two bodies I visited (the two moons) is really well done. As for the volcanic plume, if feedback/critique is welcome, I'd argue the original plume was better, more realistic.
  8. Last time I checked, that all worked fine and neither KSP or JNSQ have been updated since, so should be fine.
  9. Always nice to see new mechanics introduced. Good work.
  10. I haven't but it's a great mod to be honest, it gets rid of the crappy 'slow', puffy cloud-like plume of solid rocket boosters and replaces it with a much straighter, much brighter, really fast moving plume.
  11. There is a stand-alone JNSQ Scatterer patch, that was made by Coldrifting I believe. There's a couple of JNSQ Parallax configs but I don't think they're on CKAN.
  12. To clarify, nothing is broken just added a ton of parts so loads times are, somewhat slow! But it's a really good mod, love the modelling on the engines.
  13. I'm not gonna lie, I've installed both (Near Future) and this because the modelling in this is exquisite and I really like the premise of a lot of the parts. Negative impact, ALL of the patches when loading the game!
  14. This mod supposed to work alongside things like Near Future or as a standalone kind of experience?
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