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Everything posted by Gupyzer0

  1. Well!!! tried the new OV-1 parts, they look amazing! As a happy coincidence I was also playing with the PVG settings so tried the settings @GoldForest gave. Used an Atlas-D and only the "nose" pod in a suborbital trajectory. The skirt sep is always nice but it seemed a bit jerky this time but the verniers corrected any weird movements properly. PVG wordked like a charm, got a 200 x 40 km trajectory. Still had 800 m/s to spare. Separating both satellites Kickstage GO! using an ABL-248 got a 200 km* 2200 km orbit ! All this new Atlas stuff is amazing. Let Zorg cook!
  2. While some nose dive is expected and even a bit desired for separation ... at what speed are you releasing the X-15 perhaps you're too slow? Maybe trimming up before the release can help you mitigate some of the excessive nosedive.
  3. Thank you very much for the quick response rodger! this will help to clean my tech tree file a bit! ** Makes happy sounding rocket noises **
  4. Guys will you release or perhaps have a list with all the deprecated parts until now for the next update?
  5. That's pretty neat. Hummm ... Might use it for a Blue Steel missile using the Blue Steel mod, I think it has the right diameter for it
  6. I honestly don't think Titan needs a refresh, is looking quite good and works fine. There are still other probes and vehicles to do IMHO. Perhaps early missiles or even probes of the 70's / 80's / 90's. Pioneer venus, Voyager, Galileo and others. Also some other Hughes probes and commercial satellites of the 60s and 70s Maybe some Mariner Mark II stuff . . . Yeah, somehow I want even more probes but I'm very happy with what we have right now, BDB is amazing. And now that we have Mariner 8/9
  7. Well, those numbers aren't that off. John Glenn went into orbit with AP of 261km and PE of 161 if you were using RSS you'll be pretty close to the atmosphere that sits at 140 Km. Usually BDB should give you close to half of what their normal size counterparts would. On the other hand if you want to improve the performance try using mechjeb or KOS for a better control during launch and not having the DV losses that manual control inputs usually yield. I just can't get Atlas to orbit manually without losing control at some point
  8. @CobaltWolf That scramjet is looking hella fine, I'm immensely happy with all the experiments you have included. Also, I have a little petition, hopefully, something not so difficult and in line with the current development of the X-15 . Can we get a single XLR-11 in the near future? or perhaps do you know about a package that looks in-line with BDB that has a single XLR-11 other than Taerobee?
  9. Hello and welcome, well, just install the mod and build your own. Here's the link to the wiki made by Friznit where you can find all the build guides for BDB's rockets which are made for planet packs with a 2.7x scale (like JNSQ or KSRSS). In the wiki you'll have the instructions for making the most iconic rockets used by NASA. Have fun.
  10. More like what if Saturn 1 used Thor cores instead of redstones and a Jupiter . All of the sins are forgiven if you reach orbit with your monstrosity my child .
  11. Well, At least we have CNAR for the bumper (needs waterfall configs) but of course I'd love to see the entire battalion of Nike missiles.
  12. What you see in his post is patch that does what he said (delete ModuleParachute and ModuleDragModifier).
  13. You're putting some hours on this Zorg, they're looking great. What else do you need to do to finish the Atlas revamp? I mean I can see that you made an issue a long time ago but it's been "kind off abandoned" -> https://github.com/CobaltWolf/Bluedog-Design-Bureau/issues/974
  14. So ... Bio experiment sounding rocket! time to redstone this post a bit. Now launching another redstone, Forerunner 6 ... A partial success, failed to reach orbit. And now ... Time to curse this post a bit more with Redstone-Ablestar! A low tech/money solution. After 3 failures/partial successes ... Forerunner 9 made it into orbit with an atmospheric density experiment, a beacon probe!
  15. Now that's amazing! Guess we won't have seasat for a while but feels good to know he's in his dream job.
  16. I read somewhere here that invaderchaos was developing it. Maybe he's been busy, anyways we need to wait for Zorg to finish his Atlas revamp as we need E/F to launch seasat "properly".
  17. Uhmmm . . . What's you hardware? I run BDB in a very very bad PC (I5 + 5GB ram + GeForce 710 1GB) and can launch a Saturn V without problems or significant lag using JNSQ + Kerbalism. --------------------------------- @CobaltWolf Any pictures of the "extras" (science experiments) you talked about earlier?, the X-15 sure looks fine!
  18. Indeed no new nodes in the tech tree. had some extra nodes in a previous version but decided to keep the SSS ones, just don't have enough time to make a full tech tree from scratch. Currently waiting for BDB upcoming 1.14 update featuring a revamp of the Atlas so I can finally add nodes for "balloon tanks". CKAN? not right now, I might make a dev post here sometime in the future. Right now I'm just testing/adding some stuff, it needs polishing and testing. For example, I made new patches for the Mercury, Gemini, Skylab & Apollo but only have tested Mercury and Gemini and a Skylab mission (including wetlab) with Apollo, haven't done a Mun mission with Apollo or used things like the Lunar Shelter or the S-IV wetlab for Venus (Eve) flyby. Also did some tests with the shuttle here and there . . . It needs lots of testing/balancing and I'm getting close to that point of posting in the dev section so I can get some help but I just feel this mod it's not competent enough yet. BTW I'm also working on a contract pack using RP-1's contracts as a base. -> https://github.com/Gupyzer0/Spacelines_Progression
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