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  1. so Im messing around with mm patches, and Im wondering what :FIRST means?
  2. Does anyone know if there's any way to get IVAs for restock plus capsules? its just black inside.
  3. Have you possible thought of adding support for restock and restock+ srbs? i would love to use them but it doesn't look as good.
  4. Never mind. AVP does a weird thing where it uses MM to overwrite the stock scatterer configs with the AVP configs.
  5. reinstalled EVE, AVP, scatterer, Kopernicus, DistantObject. No change...
  6. I dont think its that do to it being a mm patch... might have to look through my mod folders to find the patch
  7. When i try to use scatterer and use the AVP config, it says "ModuleManager patch detected, saving disabled" anyone know how to fix this? Problem text https://imgur.com/sELmBee Gamedata https://imgur.com/cJVai9J
  8. When i try to use scatterer and use the AVP config, it says "ModuleManager patch detected, saving disabled" anyone know how to fix this? Problem text https://imgur.com/sELmBee Gamedata https://imgur.com/cJVai9J
  9. here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/dpdl5qvlmq2uein6693k7/KSP.log?rlkey=6uul780zgxnkouws52h4urjlz&dl=0
  10. where is my ksp.log? sorry imn new to ksp modding
  11. i just got into modding ksp, i got free iva mod and downloaded it and ModuleManager, i found a tutorial and put it into gamedata. when i try to use iva i just pass through my command module, i dont know what i did wrong.
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