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    I love space, computers, planes, and missiles.
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    Great Flats of Minmus

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  1. Introduction On July 1st of 2024, I decided to start a brand new Kerbal Space Program save with my friends. At the time, I had roughly 600 hours in the game. Now, I have reached over a thousand hours in this very save alone! Today, I would love to introduce you to the one and only, Kerbin Wide Web! "Inspiring Connection Through Electronical Solutions" What is the Kerbin Wide Web? The Kerbin Wide Web is a comprehensive platform for the archival of me and my friend's experiences through our roleplay of different saves. As in, we all play in our own saves, and the dynamics of what occurs affects us all. We follow a main timeline, called the "N.S.P. Era," which is the time frame where the original Aerospace Company, that being Nicholas Space Productions, makes space travel easy and cheap so that others can follow from their footprints. Along with this, the first article regarding this can be traced back to here Furthermore, the Kerbin Wide Web features: Countries and Kerbal Politics Mission Flight Data Technology Studies for ingame items Information regarding Planets and their biomes Militaristic Conflicts and war machines Unique views of how other players take the game! Why make such a thing? The Kerbin Wide Web was founded by two people: Me (Nicholas) and my friend Kale. We started it to express our passion for Kerbal Space Program, and to inspire others to take actions toward their beloved hobbies. Furthermore, we wanted to prepare a final goodbye project to Kerbal Space Program as Kitten Space Agency prepares to release. In relation to this, we also made it for several other reasons: To be a platform for sharing ideas To promote Kerbal Space Program, and its long lasting impact on an individual To show others what we love doing To give ideas to others through our passion To have fun! Our Impact The Kerbin Wide Web has impacted many of its viewers and participants. However, it has most directly impacted the person who runs Kerbal Mechanical Labs. At the time of Kerbal Mechanical Lab's beginning, the person who controlled it was a Senior in high school, and was undecided on what he wanted to do with the rest of his life, specifically his Major for his upcoming University days. However, his participation in the Kerbin Wide Web project led him to the conclusion that his passion was Space, so he decided to apply as an Aerospace Engineer to his college of choice, and he got accepted! Now, he is awaiting his first year of college and his new found love in the studies of Aerospace, just as Kerbal Space program conveyed to him. Along with this, we have impacted the entire community in many ways. These being: Creating a stronger community through enabling outreach Expressing ideas and helping find passions Teaching those new to the "Space Game" how amazing it all is. So Where Can I Find the Kerbin Wide Web? In your browser, type in kww.kerbinwide.net to access our website. Furthermore, you can visit our other socials! Website: kww.kerbinwide.net Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/KerbinWideWeb/ Twitter/X: https://x.com/nickythegamer62 Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@KerbinWideWeb Discord: discord.gg/HgVXmdaq Godspeed
  2. Recently I've started a new KSP Career mode save where I'm in a space race with my friend. The space race consists of two private companies: N.S.P. Corp, and I.K.E. Industries. I run N.S.P. Corp, and my other friend runs I.K.E. Industries. Our goal is simple: you have to get to Minmus first. Then from there, do cool stuff to top the other, but I'm always open to suggestions from y'all for future goals. Day 1: Currently, N.S.P. Corp is beating their competition in the space race. The two companies have made quick work of progressing through the early stages of the tech tree, along with the completion of many contracts. So far, N.S.P. Corp has had the upper hand by launching commercial satellites into orbit to obtain funds, while I.K.E. Industries focuses on their government contracts to rake in more money per contract. This conservative, yet lucrative way of making money has put I.K.E. Industries ahead of N.S.P. Corp in means of Funds, but they are lacking behind in means of science due to their opposition's strategy of making money through the open market while focusing on more scientific areas. As of now, N.S.P. Corp has full control of all satellites orbiting Kerbin along with a much better public perception, but the large amount of funds of I.K.E. Industries may be a threat to the Number 1 spot so far. Top pictures of Day 1: N.S.P. Corp exploring the benefits of mountainous terrain for future launches. I.K.E. Industries preforming government testing with rocket-powered jets. Day 2: As the day started off, N.S.P. Corp made their first play by practicing orbital rendezvous above Kerbin in preparation of their mission to Minmus. Minmus was chosen as the first location to complete a powered landing due to it's low gravity, and the ease of access compared to The Mun. This will allow the private space company to get enough funds to upgrade their equipment, along with the technology to reach the Mun. As for I.K.E. Industries, we have yet to see anything from them today, as they could be planning something more direct. Top Pictures/Videos of Day 2: Docking of the Joolkian Capsules: Liftoff on Joolkian 1: Day 3: N.S.P. Corp has launched their rocket, Astra Minmus V1 which will shoot for the minty moon of Kerbin, Minmus. All systems are go, and they eventually get to orbit safely. After some orbital burns, they make their way to Minmus. And as the clock ticks, communication was lost with the craft as it went behind the moon, but it eventually reconnected as Jeb and Bob gave their long lasting works.... "Woah! That's a lot of ice cream!" And it surely was, as their mission was to collect these samples and return them back home. After some exploration, they reconnected with the vessel, and came back safely. The race is over, N.S.P. Corp has won, showing their dominance as an aerospace company! Astra Minmus V1: Orbit around Minmus: First Minmus Landing: Far from home: Thanks for tuning in guys!
  3. Looks very cool! I might have to try it out soon.
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