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Cosmic Sailor

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  1. Sort of a silly question, but I haven't played KSP 2 yet and I really want to know if Billy-Bobfred is a kerbal name. Thanks
  2. Hi, I'm not sure how to install Magicore. Merging the two Gamedata folders isn't working for me. Anyone know which file I must put in my KSP's Gamedata?
  3. I recommend this mod to anyone who wants to spice up their KSP experience without having any noticable performance drops 10/10
  4. The Second Part of the Previous Part: Part Two: Electric Boogaloo The Zelsby tug's RCS pulls the Bilfred docking segment away, leaving room for the next module Launch of the Vervin Fuel Module This module contains extra fuel to keep the mission within reasonable Delta-V margins. Here is the giant ship awaiting launch. The vernier engines ignite first, starting the main ignition sequence The main engines ignite, lifting the Vervin into the air The craft starts its gravity turn The second stage fires to insert the craft into a stable orbit The third and final stage fires briefly, placing the Vervin into a stable Kerbin orbit The craft is aligned for docking Aaaanndd docked! Now all we need to do before the big mission is reattach the docking module and bring some crew up there! Redocking of the docking module is complete! The Zelsby tug deorbits itself and burns up in the atmosphere As I said in the previous part, the next post will have the crew docking. If you have any thoughts, feel free to comment them down below. Thanks for reading!
  5. It's been a month?! Where does the time go... Well anyway, I'm back, this time with Restock and Waterfall. I am going to be launching a few craft. I first want to swap the docking module with another fuel module, and then I will launch a crew of seven to the station in the next post. Without further ado, I present to thee the launch of the Zelsby Tug This tug will pull the docking module away and later attach it to the new fuel module. Here is the rocket waiting on the pad. Blasting off the pad, multiple engineers weep because of just how unaerodynamic(?) it is The rocket reaches the upper atmosphere and begins to turn to the side The rocket is in space and is finishing off it's orbital insertion burn The craft prepares for docking... Docking is complete! Okay, I will need to split this post into two because I'd better go to sleep, but the second half will be released within 24 hours! Feel free to share any thoughts in the comments, and see you later.
  6. Sorry, I haven't used Github much before, but is this correct?
  7. Thanks for the reply, but I'm not sure how to install it from the Extras folder (Every guide that I've seen on how to install something from Github says to go to the releases)
  8. A quick question, how do you install the WIP Buran from SOCK's Github? It's not included in the release version on the side
  9. Just wondering, does this mod support the community tech tree or any other tech trees?
  10. My kerbals celebrated by sledding on Eeloo: Sleds were made of structural pieces with lawn chairs strapped on
  11. When this showed up during the KSP loading screen, the yellow message above read: "Cutting Funding"
  12. Even with my absolute potato PC, I'm itching to redownload this mod. The Soyuz is even better than when I last played Tantares! Great job! Oh yeah, I only now spotted your other mods from your signature and now I feel I should punish my PC a bit
  13. The latest post is a video of a space craft re-entry
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