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Everything posted by Deadweasel

  1. Aw man, these are EPIC! Thanks very much for slapping me with a clue-by-four!
  2. Having some trouble with the sounds on this one. If I use keybindings in IR's GUI, most often there's no sound (except for using the P key, which oddly seems to toggle the sound on/off rapidly). If I use the buttons in the GUI panel to move a joint, the sound just keeps playing seemingly forever. Since I didn't see this called out previously (during an admittedly cursory search of the thread), I'm thinking it's probably a conflict with another mod, but I have no idea which one, and there are lots. :/ Anybody else experience it?
  3. Wait. Hold up. Stop the press. Where'd you get those WONDERFUL Harrier-style V/STOL engines?!
  4. Oh heck yeah! I love those parts too, built a series of awesome orbital crew shuttles with them.
  5. ...and then proceed to apply an extra "i" where it isn't needed.
  6. You may be thinking of TouhouTorpedo there. ON TOPIC: Dude, these things are darned near bliss-inducing! Thanks very much!
  7. Sure there's a way, but since NavyFish indicated that's a plan for another release, it's probably a bit involved.
  8. As the booster tore from the vessel, imparting its protests in the form of teeth-jarring groans and other various unwanted rending sounds through the hull to the crew within, Jeb turned to Bob with a sad look and an outstretched hand. "I know," Bob said sympathetically, taking his hand and clasping it tightly in his own while struggling to keep the tremor from his voice, "it's scary, but we'll get through this somehow." "No!" Jeb cried, pulling his hand back from Bob's grip in obvious annoyance, "I wanted you to hand me the Kit Kats, you sop. I'm hungry, stop hogging them all!"
  9. Also animatronics, because CGI is for slackers! "...we're gonna need moar boosters..."
  10. How about where the Kerbals came from in the first place? //shameless self-plug ;P
  11. Although docking mode isn't really necessary either, for that very reason. I usually just leave the modes and cameras alone while docking. That makes the controls predictable, and keeps rotation controls accessible at a touch if/when necessary (which is usually fairly often).
  12. The Journeyman, a dedicated heavy interplanetary drive system for major expeditions TranStar's HSOC-108 Kestrel employee shuttle TranStar Voyager long range exploration carrier with two HSCC-108 Whitefang scout ships TranStar's IPEC Excursion docked with the Wayfarer interplanetary drive vessel HSTAC Banshee HSTAC Silverhawk DV-102 Sherpa light rover dropship AACT-104 Starlance
  13. One thing that can cause confusion is if you're controlling your craft from a docking port that's been put on rotated upside-down, relative to the rest of the craft. It helps if you rotate set up your vertical alignment first, then handle the nose alignment relative to the target port. It doesn't really matter whether that is top or bottom, but you do want it to be either/or before performing other movements, or you'll have a hard time with unpredictable velocity shifts as you attempt to slide in place.
  14. You're not the first to interpret that as an angry emoticon, though I've always thought of it as a "squinty face", similar to :3 without the kiddie-ness.
  15. Check out PorkWorks' SpacePlanePlus. He's done some mods of B9 parts to provide fillers for just the very gaps you mention! EDIT: IVA for cockpits is still WiP though...
  16. Absolutely not. We're perfectly capable of using whatever music we might have on our own machines, but my previous post was only a thought that had occurred to me at one point as I was agreeing with the idea of a playlist that was triggered by more events in the game. Guess the humor was lost.
  17. ...and when you do your first Goo experiment, up pops Weird Al Yankovic - Slime Creatures From Outer Space >_<
  18. It actually does have an umlaut. As already mentioned, check the wiki; it has it there! In fact, if you're interested in maintaining accuracy (if you get that little twitch over such things like I do), use ALT-129 and you can type "Mün" all day long.
  19. You "challenge" the community to break a license and are upset there are no takers? What then? Rename the file and re-post it under your name instead? It's pretty arrogant and selfish to expect people to jump at your demand to do something you hadn't even asked the actual author about first (until today).
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