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Jebs Piloting Skills

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Everything posted by Jebs Piloting Skills

  1. about the .cfg files, have you tried opening them with notepad?
  2. Hey, I have a problem, My parts keep saying the real name even though I deleted all files associated with real names. does anybody know how to fix this?
  3. I have now decided that i will remove all of my mods and then reinstall them. it there is still an issue i will let you know
  4. there is nothing inside of that folder, i have deleted both of those for storage reasons, i didnt have DarkMultiPlayer when this happened before so I don't think that that is it this also happens after i click launch in the vab or the sph and i cant esc out of it, i must close the program, i also dont have any control
  5. No, the white out is not what i am talking about, look behind it, look at the time, look at the navball, look for the craft, look everywhere!
  6. yup, i have a decent laptop but it takes forever to load with just a few part mods
  7. Hello, so I have found this weird problem where... well it's just easier to attach a photo, this is the second time I have encountered it but I don't know what I did last time to fix it. If anyone knows how to fix it or has encountered it before please let me know. Pictures https://drive.google.com/file/d/124SNyoKstyDhOBkphk7srATJnupXbq20/view?usp=drive_link https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wEZYD3biwp-V3lTgpbb7Mp0AujSylRGR/view?usp=drive_link https://drive.google.com/file/d/1O3aC8yUuHToTZ-SWr1LqOBqbzuUlf9-J/view?usp=drive_link
  8. Your signature is great, I watched all of his Kerbal Scuffed Program videos.
  9. i have it installed https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ODp8GT0XLPN3675Eun4ybBzbfsv5_Llq/view?usp=drive_link also i am having troubles with everything except MLP V2.2
  10. well the last part was random, and i was asking if you crashed, or splashed down too hard or burned up on reentry etc...
  11. Thank you, What was the main cause of those kerbal's deaths?
  12. Hey, I am new to the forums but not to ksp1, i have had it for about 2 months and have over 194.4 hours on steam but still don't know anything. if you have stuff to say for me i am on daily.
  13. is there anyway to get it to run good and usable on lower end pcs like a dell laptop?
  14. ok, i have done it, if it doesn't work try this link https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NvvC0CsDbrscm-ocwIg4eaHbXo_2StNo/view?usp=drive_link
  15. ok thanks, here is the video. The video doesn't show this but there is a lot of parts missing. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NvvC0CsDbrscm-ocwIg4eaHbXo_2StNo/view?usp=sharing
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