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  1. This looks like something straight out of the KSP 2 trailer! It is extremely cool and I will definitely try to make something like this in future!
  2. The story begins on the launchpad, Bob, Jeb and Tim C Kerman have just boarded the Munar rocket the Gilgamesh VII. The thrusters fired up and the crew was well on their way off to the Mun. Once the ship was in LKO the satellite dish deployed. Unfortunately, the dish brushed one of the solar panels, and the two parts broke so I was left with no signal and only one panel. The craft was off-balanced so I shut down the other solar panels and had to rely on the tiny RTG to provide the ship with enough power for the rest of the mission. Let's fast-forward to LMO. I was slowly burning towards the landing site I had planned. Upon my arrival, I began the landing procedure. Unfortunately for me, my fuel ran out just as I was about 50 or so meters above the surface. I managed to touch down fine (if by fine I mean my lander tipped over, then yes. Fine) and all my kerbals were safe. In future though I'll have to send a rescue mission once I hone my skills enough.
  3. What if the task is you build a rover and fly it to somewhere mountainous in the kerbolar system where the rover is deployed and the kerbal plants a flag at the summit of the mountain!
  4. Thank you both very much for replying. I tried both methods and they worked rather well.
  5. I’ve built quite a few successful planes but this tentacle of the kraken gets me each time. I’m on the runway, ready to take off and as I’m increasing throttle my plane starts to to doughnuts and drifts until it either hits a lake or the wing hits the ground and in a poof of fire, P.A.I.G.E is telling me I came in too hot. I really would like to know how to stop it and to all those who help me in my KSP 2 journey I will be eternally grateful.
  6. Reported Version: v0.1.5 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 10 64-bit | CPU: 2.904GHz | GPU: Radeon RX 5500 XT | RAM: 7.95 GB So I was flying my aircraft outside the atmosphere. I deployed my payload and destroyed the mothership from the map screen. I then switched my control to the payload. Once I deployed my chutes and was slowly zeroing in on the ground and using the mouse to admire my handiwork. Then all of a sudden some black silhouette of a cloud appeared on the pc monitor screen. As I looked around with the mouse the silhouettes spread almost in the fashion of an old windows error sign. I am not sure what happened or what kind of bug to class this in but I hope you read this and find it relevant and get back to me soon. Regards, InterStellar_HomingPidgeon. Included Attachments: .ipsImage { width: 900px !important; }
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