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Everything posted by gentrificationzolaz

  1. Creating such a game is a huge job, but if you gather a talented team, it is possible. The main thing is inspiration and a clear plan. I hope that someone will implement this idea someday!
  2. I know this is a bit of an old topic, but I decided to do something similar now. Could a hybrid electric/gas system with jet acceleration be suitable for the engine? Jet fuel would be impractical, but a rocket acceleration system could provide short bursts of extreme speed.
  3. The mission editor by Munix and the upcoming mission generator in Kapitalism both sound promising for creating and customizing missions. It’s a bummer to hear that the current mission content feels limited, especially since the tourist missions and the space casino/hotel chains were such a blast in KSP1. I’m looking forward to seeing how these new tools can expand the gameplay and bring back some of that joy.
  4. I also agree. Also, tying unlocking certain technologies to corresponding achievements rather than just spending general points is a brilliant idea. This would add a sense of progression and achievement to the game, as players would have to earn their achievements by fulfilling logical and earned prerequisites. This approach would make exploring new technologies more meaningful and rewarding, as players would have to actively engage in the relevant activities to unlock them.
  5. I completely agree! Adding a sense of discovery and exploration to science gathering in KSP would indeed enhance the gameplay experience. By hiding certain information and requiring players to actively collect data through experiments and observations, the game could better simulate the process of scientific exploration.
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