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Found 7 results

  1. This is a radical idea, and one that would take an insane amount of time and work, one I am not capable of, but some others may be. It could not be too similar due to copyright issues, TakeTwo owns the IP for KSP, but it could be as similar as we are legally allowed to make it. After all you cant copyright the idea of a green gas giant or a purple Venus. What I am suggesting is that some hard working people could get together to make a game that would resemble what KSP 2 could've been, along with features that even KSP 2 wouldn't of had. If this game were to be made it should be made for easy mod compatibility, one of the things that made KSP so popular and last so long. I was thinking this hypothetical game could have a "Vulcan-like" planet, similar to the theorized planet closer to the sun than Mercury, but that was proved to not exist. And maybe it could have a Saturn analog too, and our version of Jool having 4 major moons like Jupiter rather than just 3, you can have a Europa like world and Laythe. Perhaps far more veritable difficulty settings enabling far for built in features while allowing people to still choose a more Stock KSP like experience. I have been thinking of this idea for a month or two now, and I there are too many things I've thought up to include in this one post. I want to hear the people's thoughts on such an idea, and perhaps suggestions.
  2. Hello yall Just wanted to know all of your opinions on these three mods. This is my first topic I have created, so let me know if there is anything better I can do pls!
  3. Hello fellow Nauts! A few members of the Community and I are working within a SAP currently. More information will definitely be made available when possible. What can be said of it now is the following: - There are individuals who have some ideas for making content for entertainment using Kerbal. - Content can include, but is not limited to: - Comedy mini series - Streamed competitions (both regulated and anything goes) - Creation of new characters within the KSPverse. - Streamed behind the scenes of content capture/creation. - Access for Community involvement both directly and indirectly. - This new proposed idea would be comprised of a team and not just 1 content creator to do everything. - Success of this idea would allow for an ever increasing roll of the Community's involvement with content creation! I welcome any opinions to this topic. I want this to be a living/breathing discussion as those who are already involved are passionate about this! Thanks, Chad 'Vox' Dickson Vox
  4. Thinking about grabbing a gaming controller for use with KSP, but not a full blown joystick. Does anyone have any thoughts or preferences on their gaming controllers of choice? This is the one I'm thinking about grabbing: Logitech F310 PC Gamepad.
  5. Hey, guys. Been killing time waiting for the expansion (constantly stalking the Challenges subforum; lookin' for good ones), and I feel like I need some new horizons; so to speak. It's been about 2,500 hours with the stock game (and nothing really left to accomplish accept a proper Grand Tour), and I'd like to see what else is out there. I've heard the names of other planets and moons enough times that I'm definitely interested. So I was curious which route you guys would go, OPM or GPP? At this point, I'm leaning towards OPM. It looks like it can just be added on top of an existing game; which appeals to me. However, GPP sounds pretty awesome as well. I know I might need a mod or 2 (like better timewarp for the outer planets), but I'd like to keep my game as stock as possible. Speaking of which, I play without info mods or doing any calculations, so I'm wondering if that would still be possible. Basically, guesstimating my rocket based on distance and size of body, payload, etc (part of the reason I've been reluctant to add planets: I know the stock worlds pretty well by now, and adding new ones will sort of put me back to square one). Anyway, curious to hear what you guys think. Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks.
  6. Hello everyone, Is Squad going to add more stock parts? I know they have added some in the past, the making history expansion will be coming out and the recent release of 1.3.1 patch but I was hoping they can add more modern parts into the game. Does anyone know? Also, what do you all think they should add?
  7. Hey, I just finished doing some work on a propeller model for a mod that I was thinking of creating. Im just wondering if you guys have any feedback on the model, or more specifically the texturing. Thanks for any help, I sincerely appreciate it. You can view the model in 3D right here: https://skfb.ly/NtD7
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